
  • Instructors:

    • Somayeh Sojoudi (sojoudi at berkeley), OH: Tue 2-3pm, 5114 Etcheverry Hall, ending October 8.

    • Laurent El Ghaoui (elghaoui at berkeley), OH: Tue 2-3pm, 421 Sutardja Dai Hall, starting October 15.

  • Teaching assistant: Armin Askari, OH: 9-10am Wednesday, Cory 367.

  • Discussion sections: W 10-11 (204 Wheeler) and W 11-12 (108 Wheeler).

  • Homeworks: there will be about 5 Homeworks, which require the use of Matlab or Python.

  • Exams: There is a midterm (on Oct. 15), no final and a project.

  • Project: You are encouraged to form a project team of 4 (no less than 3, and 5 max). More details on projects here.

  • Grading: 40% homework, midterm (30%), project (30%).