Durham© 2008 Yun S. Song. All rights reserved.
Curriculum Vitae
Yun S. Song
B.S., 1996 | Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Advisors: Daniel Z. Freedman and Alan H. Guth Thesis: Differential Renormalization of Supersymmetric Gauge Theories in Superspace |
B.S., 1997 | Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Ph.D., 2001 | Physics, Stanford University Advisor: Eva Silverstein Thesis: Topological String Theory and Enumerative Geometry |
2001 -- 2002 | Visiting Scholar, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford |
2002 -- 2004 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Statistics, University of Oxford
Supervisor: Jotun Hein |
2004 -- 2006 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Computer Science, UC Davis
Supervisor: Dan Gusfield |
2006 -- 2007 | Postdoctoral Researcher, Section of Evolution and Ecology, UC Davis
Supervisor: Charles H. Langley |
2007 -- 2010 | Assistant Professor of EECS and Statistics, UC Berkeley |
2010 -- 2014 | Associate Professor of EECS and Statistics, UC Berkeley |
2015 -- 2017 | Visiting Professor, Calabi-Simons Chair in Mathematics and Biology, U Penn |
2014 -- | Professor of EECS and Statistics, UC Berkeley (on leave, 2015 -- 2017) |
1994 | Sigma Pi Sigma |
1996 | Phi Beta Kappa |
1996 | Orloff Award, MIT (for best senior thesis in physics) |
1997 | NSF Graduate Research Fellowship |
2006 | NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00) |
2008 | Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship |
2008 | Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering |
2009 | NSF CAREER Award |
2010 | Kavli Frontiers Fellow, National Academy of Sciences |
2013 | Jim and Donna Gray Faculty Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Computer Science Division, UC Berkeley |
2014 | Miller Research Professorship |
2015 | Math+X Chair, Simons Foundation |
2017 | Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator Award |