Durham© 2008 Yun S. Song. All rights reserved.

Curriculum Vitae

Yun S. Song

B.S., 1996 Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Advisors: Daniel Z. Freedman and Alan H. Guth
Thesis: Differential Renormalization of Supersymmetric Gauge Theories in Superspace
B.S., 1997 Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ph.D., 2001 Physics, Stanford University
Advisor: Eva Silverstein
Thesis: Topological String Theory and Enumerative Geometry
Academic Positions
2001 -- 2002 Visiting Scholar, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
2002 -- 2004 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Statistics, University of Oxford
Supervisor: Jotun Hein
2004 -- 2006 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Computer Science, UC Davis
Supervisor: Dan Gusfield
2006 -- 2007 Postdoctoral Researcher, Section of Evolution and Ecology, UC Davis
Supervisor: Charles H. Langley
2007 -- 2010 Assistant Professor of EECS and Statistics, UC Berkeley
2010 -- 2014 Associate Professor of EECS and Statistics, UC Berkeley
2015 -- 2017 Visiting Professor, Calabi-Simons Chair in Mathematics and Biology, U Penn
2014 -- Professor of EECS and Statistics, UC Berkeley
(on leave, 2015 -- 2017)
Awards and Honors
1994 Sigma Pi Sigma
1996 Phi Beta Kappa
1996 Orloff Award, MIT (for best senior thesis in physics)
1997 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
2006 NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00)
2008 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
2008 Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering
2009 NSF CAREER Award
2010 Kavli Frontiers Fellow, National Academy of Sciences
2013 Jim and Donna Gray Faculty Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Computer Science Division, UC Berkeley
2014 Miller Research Professorship
2015 Math+X Chair, Simons Foundation
2017 Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Investigator Award