Module Clist

module Clist: sig .. end
Utilities for managing "concatenable lists" (clists). We often need to concatenate sequences, and using lists for this purpose is expensive. This module provides routines to manage such lists more efficiently. In this model, we never do cons or append explicitly. Instead we maintain the elements of the list in a special data structure. Routines are provided to convert to/from ordinary lists, and carry out common list operations.

type 'a clist =
| CList of 'a list (*The only representation for the empty list. Try to use sparingly.*)
| CConsL of 'a * 'a clist (*Do not use this a lot because scanning it is not tail recursive*)
| CConsR of 'a clist * 'a
| CSeq of 'a clist * 'a clist (*We concatenate only two of them at this time. Neither is the empty clist. To be sure always use append to make these*)
The clist datatype. A clist can be an ordinary list, or a clist preceded or followed by an element, or two clists implicitly appended together
val toList : 'a clist -> 'a list
Convert a clist to an ordinary list
val fromList : 'a list -> 'a clist
Convert an ordinary list to a clist
val single : 'a -> 'a clist
Create a clist containing one element
val empty : 'a clist
The empty clist
val append : 'a clist -> 'a clist -> 'a clist
Append two clists
val checkBeforeAppend : 'a clist -> 'a clist -> bool
A useful check to assert before an append. It checks that the two lists are not identically the same (Except if they are both empty)
val length : 'a clist -> int
Find the length of a clist
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a clist -> 'b clist
Map a function over a clist. Returns another clist
val fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b clist -> 'a
A version of fold_left that works on clists
val iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a clist -> unit
A version of iter that works on clists
val rev : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a clist -> 'a clist
Reverse a clist. The first function reverses an element.
val docCList : Pretty.doc -> ('a -> Pretty.doc) -> unit -> 'a clist -> Pretty.doc
A document for printing a clist (similar to docList)