Package seda.sandStorm.lib.http

Interface Summary
httpConst This interface defines various constants used by the HTTP protocol implementation.

Class Summary
httpBadRequestResponse An httpResponse corresponding to a '404 Bad Request' (i.e.
httpConnection This class represents a single HTTP connection.
httpInternalServerErrorResponse An httpResponse corresponding to a '500 Internal Server Error' Use httpNotFoundResponse for a '404 Not Found'.
httpNotFoundResponse An httpResponse corresponding to a '404 Not Found' error.
httpOKResponse An httpResponse corresponding to a '200 OK' response.
httpPacketReader This is a package-internal class which reads HTTP request packets.
httpRedirectResponse An httpResponse corresponding to a '301 Moved Permanently' response.
httpRequest This class represents a single HTTP client request.
httpResponder This class is used to wrap an HTTP response along with the connection which it is destined for.
httpResponse This is an abstract class corresponding to an HTTP response.
httpServer An httpServer is a SandStorm stage which accepts incoming HTTP connections.
httpServiceUnavailableResponse An httpResponse corresponding to a '503 Service Unavailable' error.