Package edu.berkeley.psi.tagged.api

Interface Summary

Class Summary
Digest Represents the results of a cryptographic hash algorithm applied to the serialization (using XDR) of a Tagged object.
DigestFactory Generates Digests (cryptographic hashes) for Tagged objects.
MD2Digest Represents a MD2 hash digest result.
MD2DigestFactory Generates MD2Digests (cryptographic hashes) for Tagged objects.
MD5Digest Represents a MD5 hash digest result.
MD5DigestFactory Generates MD5Digests (cryptographic hashes) for Tagged objects.
Opaque A Tagged wrapper around an opaque (uninterpreted) byte[] array.
SHA1Digest Represents a SHA-1 hash digest result.
SHA1DigestFactory Generates SHA1Digests (cryptographic hashes) for Tagged objects.
SHA256Digest Represents a SHA-256 hash digest result.
SHA256DigestFactory Generates SHA256Digests (cryptographic hashes) for Tagged objects.
SHA384Digest Represents a SHA-384 hash digest result.
SHA384DigestFactory Generates SHA384Digests (cryptographic hashes) for Tagged objects.
SHA512Digest Represents a SHA-512 hash digest result.
SHA512DigestFactory Generates SHA512Digests (cryptographic hashes) for Tagged objects.
TaggedEncodingStream An extension of XdrEncodingStream that allows TaggedIF objects to be written.

Exception Summary