Package edu.berkeley.psi.seda.api

Interface Summary
DriverFilterIF An interface for objects that act as both a DriverIF and a DriverPlugIF.
DriverIF An interface for objects that can accept events as a SinkIF as well as callback to a back-channel (SinkReaderIF) SinkIF.
DriverPlugIF An interface for objects that can accept events as a SinkIF as well as callback to a back-channel (SinkReaderIF) SinkIF.
EventHandlerFactoryIF An interface for objects that can create objects with an EventHandlerIF interface.
SinkFactoryIF An interface for objects that can create objects with a SinkIF interface.
SinkPlugIF An interface for objects with variable connections that can plug into and unplug from a SinkIF on demand.
SinkReaderIF An interface for objects that can want a callback to a SinkIF.
SinkWriterIF An interface for objects that can callback to a SinkIF.