Photometric stereo is a well-studied problem in computer vision. The basic problem is to
estimate the normal map of a scene given multiple 2D images taken under the same viewpoint but different lighting conditions. The problem can be further subdivided into
calibrated and
uncalibrated stereo. In the former, the lighting directions are known while in the latter they are not.
The typical assumption in photometric stereo is that the object of interest obeys a Lambertian reflectance model. This is a simple model that relates the surface normal
n, lighting direction
l, and pixel intensity
I through the following equation:
where ρ denotes the diffuse albedo, and the multiplication is a vector inner product. Suppose
D denotes the image matrix each of whose columns represents an image (each image is stacked as a vector). Then, using the ideal Lambertian model, it can be shown that the matrix
D has rank atmost 3, irrespective of the size of each image and the total number of input images. However, this low rank structure is seldom observed in practice since the images are often corrupted by shadows (both attached and cast), and by specularities. These errors are concentrated on a small number of pixels in each image and can have very large magnitude. Our goal is
to recover the low rank structure from the input matrix, despite the presence of large, sparse errors.
Using recent ideas from the theory of sparse and low-rank matrix decomposition, we propose recovering the ideal low rank structure using the following convex optimization problem:
where ||
1 represents the matrix 1-norm (sum of absolute values of the entries of
E), ||
* represents the matrix nuclear norm (sum of singular values of
A), Ω denotes the set of pixels that are occluded by shadows (detected by simple pixel thresholding), π represents the orthogonal projection operator onto a subspace, and λ is a weighting parameter. We solve this optimization problem efficiently using the method of Augmented Lagrange Multipliers. Once the low-rank matrix is recovered, the normal map can be easily computed. For more details on the algorithm and implementation, please refer to
our paper.