Sensor Hardware: CITRIC (Cal/ITRI Camera
- Phoebus Chen,
Parvez Ahammad, Colby Boyer, Shih-I Huang, Leon Lin, Edgar Lobaton,
Marci Meingast, Songhwai Oh, Simon Wang, Posu Yan, Allen Yang, Chuohao Yeo, Lung-Chung
Chang, Doug Tygar, and Shankar Sastry. CITRIC: A low-bandwidth wireless camera
network platform. ICDSC, 2008. [PDF]
- Phoebus Chen, Kirak Hong, Nikhil Naikal, Shankar
Sastry, Doug Tygar, Posu Yan, Allen Yang, Lung-Chung Chang, Leon Lin,
Simon Wang, Edgar Lobaton, Songhwai Oh, Parvez Ahammad. A low-bandwidth
camera sensor platform with applications in camera sensor networks. ACM
TOSN, 2012. [PDF]
Sensor Software: CITRIC v 0.85
Please note that the above software is provided "AS IS" for the CITRIC
platform. No technical support will be provided at this time.

Figure 1: Left: Camera daughter
board with major functional units outlined. Right: Assembled camera
daughter board with Tmote sensor network board.

Figure 2: Average run time of basic image processing functions
available on the CITRIC mote. All experiments are on 512-by-512 images.
Execution time at 520 MHz processor speed is shown in parentheses.
Berkeley Multiview Wireless (BMW) Database

Bowles Hall

California Hall

The Campanile

East Asia Library

Evans Hall

Foothill Residence


Haas School

Hearst Gym

Hearst Mining

Hertz Morrison

Hilgard Hall

Log Cabin

Main Library |

Music Library |

Parking Lot |

Sather Gate |

Sproul Hall |

Valley Building |

Wurster Building
Applications |

Distributed Object Recognition in Band-Limited Camera
Sensor Networks
We study the classical problem of object recognition
in low-power,
low-bandwidth distributed camera networks. We propose an effective
framework to perform distributed object recognition using a network of
smart cameras and a computer as the base station. Due to the limited
bandwidth between the cameras and the computer, the method utilizes the
available computational power on the smart sensors to locally extract
and compress SIFT-type image features to represent individual camera
views. In particular, we show that between a network of cameras,
high-dimensional SIFT histograms share a joint sparse pattern
corresponding to a set of common features in 3-D. Such joint sparse
patterns can be explicitly exploited to accurately encode the
distributed signal via random projection, which is unsupervised and
independent to the sensor modality. On the base station, we study
multiple decoding schemes to simultaneously recover the multiple-view
object features based on the distributed compressive sensing theory.
The system has been implemented on the Berkeley CITRIC smart camera
platform. The efficacy of the algorithm is validated through extensive
simulation and experiments.
- Nikhil Naikal, Allen Yang, Shankar Sastry. Informative feature selection for object recognition via Sparse PCA. International Conference on Computer Vision, 2011. [PDF] [Code]
- Nikhil
Naikal, Allen Yang, Shankar Sastry. Towards an
efficient distributed object recognition system in wireless smart
camera networks. International Conference on Information Fusion, 2010. [PDF]
- Allen Yang,
Subhransu Maji, Mario Christoudas, Trevor Darrell, Jitendra Malik, and
Shankar Sastry. Multiple-view object
recognition in smart camera networks. Springer,
2010. [PDF]
- Allen Yang, Michael Gastpar, Ruzena
Bajcsy, and Shankar Sastry. Distributed
Representation. The Proceedings of
the IEEE, 2010. [PDF]
- Allen Yang,
Subhransu Maji, Kirak Hong, Posu Yan, and Shankar Sastry. Distributed compression and fusion of
nonnegative sparse signals for multiple-view object recognition.
Information Fusion, 2009. [PDF]
- Allen Yang,
Subhransu Maji, Mario Christoudas, Trevor Darrell, Jitendra Malik, and
Shankar Sastry. Multiple-view object
recognition in band-limited distributed camera networks. ICDSC,
2009. [PDF]
We are thrilled to provide
technical support to research teams in the following institutions to
adopt the CITRIC platform in their projects: