University of California, Berkeley
EECS Dept, CS Division
Jordan Smith SLIDE: Scene Language for
Interactive Dynamic Environments
Prof. Carlo H. Séquin

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SLIDE Viewer

Download SLIDE v1.0

Binary Releases

Pre-compiled releases are available for the following Windows and Unix platforms.

Source Releases

If you're running on a platform other than the ones listed above, or if you want to make modifications to the SLIDE viewer, you'll need to retrieve the source releases.

Once you've retrieved the sources, click below for instructions on how to configure, compile, and install SLIDE.

How to Compile SLIDE Source Releases (this is now defunct, link removed 29 Nov 2004).


Choose between compressed tar and gzipped tar format. The files listed under the Windows sources contain the same information but are in ZIP format.

Gzip'ed Tar Files
Extract these with this UNIX command line:
gunzip < file.tar.gz | tar xvf -

This page was originally built by Jordan Smith.

Last modified: Monday, 29-Nov-2004 11:31:09 PST