SLIDE Graphics Pipeline Assignments Setup


You should have already picked up an account form in class. Please login into this account on a UNIX machine (po.eecs,pulsar.cs,etc.) as soon as possible and change your password globally. You should be prompted to enter your name and other information the first time you log into your account on any UNIX machine. If this does not happen please run register to enter your data. You must register your account to receive a grade for this class. You can run re-register to change your information. 

Important: Your UNIX and NT accounts are separate accounts. Therefore you need to change your password on both of them. Make sure you remember your initial passwords until you change your password on all of your accounts.


MS Windows at Berkeley Instructional Labs

If you are working on the instructional NT machines on the 3rd floor of Soda Hall at Berkeley, your account should already be set up for all the software to work.

If for some strange reason this is not the case, you can configure your personal profile to be able to run SLIDE by executing the following DOS batch program: usingslideatberkeley.bat. This will set some environment variables and map the SLIDE network drive to your machine.

Assignment Install

  1. Download the as?.tar.gz to your unix account from the assignments page.
  2. gunzip as?.tar.gz
  3. tar -xvf as?.tar
  4. rm as?.tar
  5. You now have the start up code for the assigment in the as? directory. All your work should be done on the NT machines in this directory.

MS Windows at Home

If you are working from home, you will need to download the necessary files. The first time you start to work at home you must download the slide directory of libraries and executables.

First Time SLIDE Install

  1. Download slide.tar.gz (or if you are having trouble ungzipping the file try the larger slide.tar)
  2. Extract the files (using WinZip maybe) and place them in C:\slide
  3. Then for Windows NT/2000/xp either click on C:\slide\install.bat or open a shell and cd C:\slide and install.bat

    or for Windows ME either click on C:\slide\installWindowsME.bat or open a shell and cd C:\slide and installWindowsME.bat

  4. Then either logout and log back in, or right click My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced tab -> Environment Variables -> OK -> OK

Now your machine is ready to run the slide viewer as well as the weekly assignments you will be implementing.

Assignment Install

Method 1

  1. For each assignment you will need to download the appropriate source code from the assignments page.
  2. Extract the files (using WinZip maybe) and place them any where you choose.
  3. Double click on slide*.dsw which will launch C++ Design Work Studio.
  4. Then before you build your executable you will need to map a new drive "S:" to the parent folder of Slide.
    For example, in Windows, if you have installed Slide at "C:\Slide",  then you can map a new "S:" drive to "C:".
    To do this, open a command prompt:

    %subst s: c:\

    Now, you can compile the code without changing the project settings (as mentioned in Method 2 below). That way, when you submit the code, you don't have to change the project settings back (i.e. no changing C: back to S:) and your code should compile just fine on the Windows machines at school.

    The following line will undo the local drive mapping:

    %subst s: /D

  5. Compile and run the code to make sure the base code works before making any changes.

Method 2

In case you are unable to map the drives as mentioned above, you will need to perform the following steps:
  1. For each assignment you will need to download the appropriate source code from the assignments page.
  2. Extract the files (using WinZip maybe) and place them any where you choose.
  3. Double click on slide*.dsw which will launch C++ Design Work Studio.
  4. Then before you build your executable you will need to make two modifications to the Project settings.
  5. Then compile and run it to make sure the base code works before making your changes.
NOTE: You will need to make sure your code runs on the Windows machines at school. Undo the changes to the Project Settings (i.e. the C: goes back to S:).

Guidelines for working on the Assignment

Submitting the Assignment

  1. When working in pairs, only one partner's account should have a copy of the code in order to save space. The other partner should create a ~/as?/README which states your partner's name and their account name but does not need to submit the README file.. The README in the account with the code should mention both partners, and have a small description of the division of labor. (You can rename or destroy the README which comes with the start up code.)
  2. Compile your solution code on the NT machines.
  3. Put any SLIDE data files in the ~/as?/SLIDE directory.
  4. Clean up your directory to conserve space in your account - basically, remove everything but the .exe file from the debug directory.
    Note: We expect your tar file to contain a debug directory, containing only one .exe with the correct name.
    For e.x.: for assignment 1, we expect to see a debug/slidedraw.exe
    1. Login to a Unix machine
    2. cd ~/as?
    3. mv debug/*.exe .
    4. rm debug/*
    5. mv *.exe debug
    6. rm slide.ncb
    7. tar -cvf as?.tar *
    8. gzip as?.tar
    9. cd
    10. If you do not already have a submissions directory,
      mkdir submissions
    11. mv as?/as?.tar.gz submissions
    12. cd ~/submissions
      submit as?
      EVERYTHING that's needed to compile and run your program should be in the tar file.
    13. Once you have received notification that your submission as been received, you may remove the as?.tar.gz file from your submissions directory.
  5. Do not touch the ~/as? folder again until after the assignment has been graded in case there are problems with the submission.

Storing Previous Assignments

  1. Receive word from the grader that you have gotten a grade on assignment as?.
  2. cd ~/as?
  3. rm debug/*.exe
  4. cd
  5. tar -cvf as?.tar as?
  6. gzip as?.tar
  7. rm -r as?

Still need more space?

See the section titled No quotas on /home/tmp and /home/tmp2: in the info at http://www-inst.EECS.Berkeley.EDU/usr/pub/disk.quotas. This will tell you how to get some additional disk space on the Unix file system. You should be able to make a symbolic link to the directory you create from a file in your unix home directory so that you can access the files from nt. Remember that you still need to put the assignment submission in the ~/pub/submit/as? directory, and that you should be careful with disk space on the tmp and tmp2 filesystems, as it is limited. [an error occurred while processing this directive]