Group Nodes


SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
group id
  surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
slide create group id \
  -surface surface_id \
-shading shading_flag \
-lod lod_flag \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \

SLIDE Defaults tclinit Defaults
group id
  surface SLF_INHERIT
ribbegin SLF_NULL
ribend SLF_NULL
slide create group id \
  -surface $SLF_INHERIT \
-shading $SLF_INHERIT \
-lod $SLF_FULL \
-ribbegin $SLF_NULL \
-ribend $SLF_NULL

Objects whose component vertices are initially defined in local coordinate systems are appropriately placed and oriented in the World Coordinate System by the application of geometric transformations. A modular way of constructing a complicated scene is to build up a hierarchy by creating multiple instances of primitive objects and appropriately altering the geometric and appearance attributes of each of these instances. Geometric attributes are altered by the application of geometric transformations. Cameras and lights can also be similarly instanced and transformed.

In SLIDE, hierarchy is built up in a recursive manner using groups which are equivalent to compound objects. Groups are collections of instances of primitive objects as well as other groups, lights, and cameras. Groups and objects share the same local identifier name space. The group statement is used to define the scene hierarchy.

An instance_statement can be a geometry, camera, or a light instance. The three different types of instance statements may only occur within a group statement. Each instance includes transformations that place the referenced entity with the coordinate space of the current group. The transformations within an instance statement are applied one at a time in the order specified.

See the SLIDE Flags section for a complete description of the shading_flag and the lod_flag and the Surface Specification section for a description of how to use the surface_id.


SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
arealight id
  color ( color_triple )
samples samples_int
surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
slide create arealight id \
  -color { color_triple }\
-samples samples_int \
-surface surface_id \
-shading shading_flag \
-lod lod_flag \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \

SLIDE Defaults tclinit Defaults
arealight id
  color ( 1.0 1.0 1.0 )
samples 30
ribbegin SLF_NULL
ribend SLF_NULL
slide create arealight id \
  -color { 1.0 1.0 1.0 } \
-samples 30 \
-surface $SLF_INHERIT \
-shading $SLF_INHERIT \
-lod $SLF_FULL \
-ribbegin $SLF_NULL \
-ribend $SLF_NULL

The arealight is a hack stand-in for a real area light provided by more advanced photorealistic renderers, like RenderMan. The arealight is just like a group node; it instances some set of geometry nodes. The difference is that the polygons instanced below an arealight are rendered with emissive shading (they are bright even if they are not lit by other lights) and a representative spot light is rendered at the center of mass of the polygons.

The true use of an arealight is to export the geometry description to a .RIB file and then render with a higher quality renderer. The arealight will correctly translate the geometry to .RIB format.

Field Description

The color of the light emitted by the polygons


The number of samples that should be used by the higher quality renderer when approximating the area source as a bunch of point lights


SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
instance node_id
  id instance_id
surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
slide create instance instance_id group_id node_id \
  -surface surface_id \
-shading shading_flag \
-lod lod_flag \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \
-xforms { { transform_statement } \
{ transform_statement } \
... \

SLIDE Defaults tclinit Defaults
instance node_id
ribbegin SLF_NULL
ribend SLF_NULL
slide create instance instance_id group_id node_id \
  -surface $SLF_INHERIT \
-shading $SLF_INHERIT \
-lod $SLF_FULL \
-ribbegin $SLF_NULL \
-ribend $SLF_NULL

The instance statement is used to create an instance of geometry; either a primitive object or another group specified by node_id.

The id statement gives the instance a name that can be used to define path names (explained later). Any instance that refers to a group that contains camera or light instances should have an identifier.

See the SLIDE Flags section for a complete description of the shading_flag and the lod_flag and the Surface Specification section for a description of how to use the surface_id.

Each transform_statement defines a linear transformation to be performed on the points that comprise the object or group. These transforms should be applied in the order that they are specified.

For example,

instance fish
  id        red_fish
  surface   shiny_red
  shading   SLF_PHONG
  rotate    (0 1 0) (7)
  translate (100 0 0)
  rotate    (0 0 1) (38)
defines an instance of the group or object, named fish. Any faces in fish that have no defined material property will use the surface shiny_red. Any faces in fish that have no defined shading model will use the Phong shading model. The instance, red_fish will be rotated by 7o about its own y-axis, translated from the origin by 100 units along the x-axis, and then rotated by 38o about the world z-axis,

As another example,

group tetra_stack
  surface  green
  instance tetra
    scale     (2 2 2)
    rotate    (0 0 1) (30)
    surface   red
  instance tetra
    scale     (2 2 2)
    translate (0 0 2)
    rotate    (0 0 1) (-30)
shows the instance statement in context. This group defines two tetrahedrons scaled up by a factor of 2, rotated and stacked along the z-axis. The first tetrahedron will be colored red, because the initial description of the tetra object did not define any surface properties. The second tetrahedron will be colored green because the instance will inherit surface information from its enclosing group.

The default values for an instance statement are:


The TCLinit block generation syntax looks like this:
(note: groupid refers to the group that the instance will be inserted into, and the node_id is the object or group that is being instanced)

where "xform_list" is of the form:
There can be multiple transforms of each type listed and transforms are performed in the order placed in the xform_list.

Transformation Statements

Note that transformations for TCL generated objects is dealt with inside "slide instance" commands.


SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
scale ( scale_triple )
{ scale scale_triple }
The scale_triple specifies the scaling factors applied in the directions of the three coordinate axes, s = (sxsysz). The operation performed on a point, p = (pxpypz), is p' = (px*sxpy*sypz*sz),

For example

scale (1 2 1)
defines a scale by 2, stretching the object in the y-direction.


SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
translate ( translate_triple )
{ translate translate_triple }

The translate_triple defines the three components of a translation vector, t = (txtytz). The operation performed on a point, p = (pxpypz), is p' = (px+txpy+typz+tz),

For example

translate (10 0 0)
defines a translation by 10 units along the x-axis.


SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
rotate ( axis_triple ) ( angle_float )
{ rotate axis_triple angle_float }

The axis_triple defines the axis of rotation through the origin, v = (vxvyvz). The angle of rotation is given in degrees by the angle_float, a.

For example

rotate (0 0 1) (30)
defines rotation by 30o around the z-axis.


SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
lookat eye ( eye_triple )
target ( target_triple )
up ( up_triple )
lookat -eye { eye_triple } \
-target { target_triple } \
-up { up_triple } \

SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
lookat eye ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 )
target ( 0.0 0.0 -1.0 )
up ( 0.0 1.0 0.0 )
lookat -eye { 0.0 0.0 0.0 } \
-target { 0.0 0.0 -1.0 } \
-up { 0.0 1.0 0.0 } \

The lookat transformation defines a rigid body transformation that is specifically designed for orienting a camera to view a scene, although it can be used wherever a transform_statement can appear.

The eye_triple and the target_triple define eye and target as points in 3D. The up_triple defines up as a vector in 3D.

The effect of the lookat transform is to:

  1. translate the Object Coordinate System so that the origin of the object lies at the point, eye,
  2. and rotate the object so that the point, target, lies on the -z-axis of the object's system and the up vector lies in the yz-plane of the object's system.

For example,
  eye (10 0 0)
  target (0 0 0)
  up  (0 0 1)
defines a transformation that places a camera 10 units from the origin along the x-axis, pointing at the origin, with the z-axis pointing up. Or, this transform places an object with its origin at (10 0 0), its z-axis aligned with the world's x-axis, and its y-axis aligned with the world's z-axis.

The default values for a lookat statement define the identity transformation. They are

eye (0 0 0)
target (0 0 -1)
up (0 1 0)