
The SLIDE surface, point, and face are special primitives that can not be directly instanced in groups.


A surface statement defines the material properties of a surface.

SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
surface id 
  color ( color_triple )
reflectivity ( reflectivity_triple )
exponent exponent_float
metallic metallic_float
bitmap "texture_filename" SLF_TEXMAP
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
slide create surface id \
  -color { color_triple } \
-reflectivity { reflectivity_triple } \
-exponent exponent_float \
-metallic metallic_float \
-bitmap "texture_filename" SLF_TEXMAP \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \

SLIDE Defaults tclinit Defaults
surface id
  color ( 0.5 0.5 0.5 )
reflectivity ( 1.0 1.0 1.0 )
exponent 1.0
metallic 0.0
ribbegin SLF_NULL
ribend SLF_NULL
slide create surface id \
  -color { 0.5 0.5 0.5 } \
-reflectivity { 1.0 1.0 0.0 } \
-exponent 1.0 \
-metallic 0.0 \
-ribbegin $SLF_NULL \
-ribend $SLF_NULL

Field Description
color The diffuse color of the surface as an RGB triple, where the red, green and blue components are each in the range [0, 1].
reflectivity The coefficients of reflectivity for ambient, diffuse, and specular reflection in that order. These three coefficients are in the range [0, 1].
exponent The exponent in the Phong lighting term. This is portional to the shininess of the surface which is inversely proportional to the surface roughness.
metallic The metallic factor of the surface, and is used to calculate the specular color of the surface from its diffuse color and the color of the illuminating light. This value is in the range [0, 1].
bitmap file.gif SLF_TEXMAP The name of a GIF image file that will be used as a texture map for the surface. The image should have dimensions that are powers of 2 (2n x 2m) in order to be displayed properly. Any image that is not of the proper dimensions will be cropped.

A more detailed explanation of these values and their role in doing lighting calculations is provided in the Lighting Model section.


Red Matte Surface
Static SLIDE Procedural SLIDE
# Red Matte Surface

surface sRed
  color        (1 0 0)
  reflectivity (0.95 0.95 0)
# Red Matte Surface
tclinit {
  slide create surface sRed \
    -color        { 1 0 0 } \
    -reflectivity { 0.95 0.95 0 }

defines a fully saturated matte red material that reflects most light diffusely and none specularly.

Shiny Metallic Violet Surface
Static SLIDE Procedural SLIDE
# Shiny Metallic Violet Surface

surface sShinyViolet
  color        (0.8 0.3 1.0)
  reflectivity (0.1 0.1 0.9)
  exponent     2.0
  metallic     0.8
# Shiny Metallic Violet Surface
tclinit {
  slide create surface sShinyViolet
    -color        {0.8 0.3 1.0}
    -reflectivity {0.1 0.1 0.9}
    -exponent     2.0
    -metallic     0.8

defines a metallic violet material that reflects some light diffusely and yields strong specular highlights.

Inheritance of Surface Properties

Surface properties are propogated down the scene hierarchy in the same manner as shading flags. A node in the scene hierarchy will pass down its local surface object unless that surface is SLF_INHERIT in which case it will pass along its parent's surface object. There is no mechanism that allows a parent node to override a descendant's locally defined surface property. The default surface object for a node is SLF_INHERIT.

The propogation of surface properties is further complicated by interactions with shading flags down at the face and point levels. The following example illustrates the difference in surface property inheritance between flat and Gouraud shading. The example contains a single triangle with a blue surface applied to it. Two of the points which define the triangle have their own red and green surface properties assigned to them while the third one has SLF_INHERIT which means that it will inherit the blue surface property from the triangular face.

With flat shading applied, the face ignores any surface properties defined on its points and uses the surface property of the face to do shading. The entire triangle will be a single color under flat shading. If lighting is disabled, the triangle will simply take on the color value of the surface. If lighting is enabled, one lighting calculation will be done for the triangle at its psuedo-centroid (the unweighted average of the positions of all of the vertices of the face) using the face normal and the color value from the face's surface property.

With Gouraud shading applied, every vertex of the face can have a separate surface property, although only a single texture map will be used per face. If a point has a surface property locally defined then it will use that surface. If the point uses the default SLF_INHERIT surface then it will inherit the surface property of the face. In the example, the first two points use their red and green surfaces, respectively, while the third point inherits the blue surface from the face. If lighting is disabled like in the image below, the color values assigned at the different vertices will be linearly interpolated across the area of the face. With lighting enabled, a separate lighting calculation will be preformed at each vertex using the point's location, surface property, and normal. Then the calculated color values will be linearly interpolated across the area of the face.

surface sRed
  color ( 1 0 0 )
surface sGreen
  color ( 0 1 0 )
surface sBlue
  color ( 0 0 1 )

point pRed ( 1 0 0 )
  surface sRed
point pGreen ( 0 1.7 0 )
  surface sGreen
point pInherit ( -1 0 0 )
  surface SLF_INHERIT

face fTriangle ( pRed pGreen pInherit )
  surface sBlue

object oFlat ( fTriangle )
  shading SLF_FLAT
object oGouraud ( fTriangle )
  shading SLF_GOURAUD
oFlat oGouraud


A point statement defines a point in 3D space which can be reference by its id in a face to define the face's geometry.

SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
point id  ( point_triple )
  normal ( normal_triple )
texture ( texture_triple )
surface surface_id
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
slide create point
  id { point_triple } \
-normal { normal_triple } \
-texture { texture_triple } \
-surface surface_id \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \

SLIDE Defaults tclinit Defaults
point id ( point_triple )
  normal [computed from adjacent face normals]
texture ( 0.0 0.0 )
surface $SLF_INHERIT
ribbegin SLF_NULL
ribend SLF_NULL
slide create point id { point_triple } \
  -normal [computed from adjacent face normals] \
-texture { 0.0 0.0 } \
-surface $SLF_INHERIT \
-ribbegin $SLF_NULL \
-ribend $SLF_NULL

Field Description
position The point_triple defines the 3D position of the point.
normal A unit length 3D vector attached to a point to define the surface normal at the point. This combined with Gouraud shading is useful for approximating smooth, curved surfaces using a polygonal model. If a point normal is not explicitly defined then the point will be assigned a normal which is the weighted average of the face normals incident apon the point. The weighting factor used for each face normal is the angle between the two adjacent edges within the face.
texture A (u, v, w) triple of texture coordinates. These values are in texture space and define how to map the texture onto the geometry of the object. Currently only the u and v coordinates are being used in conjunction with normal surface texture mapping. The texture maps are rectangular and their domain is defined to be (u, v) = ( [0, 1], [0, 1] ). Values outside this range will cause the texture to be repeatedly wrapped along the surface. In the future, 3D solid texture maybe supported at which time the w coordinate will be utilized.


Red Point
Static SLIDE Procedural SLIDE
point p1 ( 0 0 2.5 )
  surface sRed
tclinit {
  slide create point p1 { 0 0 2.5 } \
    -surface sRed

defines a point named p1 which lies 2.5 units from the origin along the z-axis and has a vertex color defined by the surface sRed.


The face statement describes a planar convex polygon. The polygon of the face is defined by a list of point identifiers which enumerate the vertices of the face in counterclockwise order around the face contour.

SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
face id  ( point_idlist )
  surface surface_id
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
slide create face id  { point_idlist } \
  -surface surface_id \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \

SLIDE Defaults tclinit Defaults
faceid  ( point_idlist )
  surface SLF_INHERIT
ribbegin SLF_NULL
ribend SLF_NULL
slide create face id  { point_idlist } \
  -surface $SLF_INHERIT \
-ribbegin $SLF_NULL \
-ribend $SLF_NULL

The face is defined for planar convex polygons. The behavior for non-planar, concave, and self intersecting polygon descriptions is undefined.

A face has a front side and a back side which is important to the description of closed polyhedrons. The normal to a face points out of the face on the front side of the face. The ordering of the vertices around the contour of the face defines its orientation. This orientation is based on the right-hand rule for cross products. A counterclockwise ordering of vertices around the contour implies a normal which is pointing outward, so this is the front side of the polygon. A clockwise ordering of vertices around the contour implies a normal which is pointing inward, so this is the back side of the polygon.

Front Facing Polygon
Vertex Ordering
# Front Facing Square
point p0 ( 1 0 0 ) endpoint
point p1 ( 1 1 0 ) endpoint
point p2 ( 0 1 0 ) endpoint
point p3 ( 0 0 0 ) endpoint

face fFront ( p0 p1 p2 p3 ) 
Back Facing Polygon
Vertex Ordering
# Back Facing Square
point p0 ( 1 0 0 ) endpoint
point p1 ( 0 0 0 ) endpoint
point p2 ( 0 1 0 ) endpoint
point p3 ( 1 1 0 ) endpoint

face fBack ( p0 p1 p2 p3 ) 


Red Square Face
Static SLIDE Procedural SLIDE
# Square

point p0 ( 1 0 0 ) endpoint
point p1 ( 1 1 0 ) endpoint
point p2 ( 0 1 0 ) endpoint
point p3 ( 0 0 0 ) endpoint

face fSquare ( p0 p1 p2 p3 ) 
  surface sRed
# Square
tclinit {
  slide create point p0 { 1 0 0 }
  slide create point p1 { 1 1 0 }
  slide create point p2 { 0 1 0 }
  slide create point p3 { 0 0 0 }

  slide create face fSquare { p0 p1 p2 p3 } \
    -surface sRed

defines a unit square face in the first quadrant named fSquare. The face has been assign a red surface material.