A Closed-Form Inverse Kinematics Example

The simplest non-trivial IK problem is two links and two angles, as shown in the figure below.  Say the first angle is Beavis' shoulder.  The next one is his elbow.  The end of the second link is his hand.  We are going to guide the hand away from his butt.

The Buttscratcher

The shoulder will make an angle a with the torso.  The elbow will be bent with angle b.  Our goal is to reach the purple dot, which we say is at position (x,y).

To find the solution angles a and b, we first draw a line segment (which we will call s) from the shoulder to the goal (the blue dotted line).  This line segment has length D where D^2 = x^2 + y^2. We also need to "temporary" angles:

t1 - the angle that s makes with the body
t2 - the angle that s makes with the first limb

t1 comes from the definition of tan :
t1 = atan(-x/y)
Two Notes : 1) in discussion this figure was rotated so the answer was t1=atan(y/x).
2) we probably would need atan2 here (when coding) as it gets the sign correct based on which quadrant our point (x,y) is in.

Law of Cosines            Now, l1, l2, and s form a triangle.  Using the law of cosines (see figure), we get that
            t2 = acos((l1^2 + D^2 - l2^2)/(2*l1*D))
            a = t1+t2  // from the law of duh
            b = acos((l1^2 + l2^2 - D^2)/(2*l1*l2))  // law of cosines again

            And voila.  Beavis is no longer scratching his butt.

More information including a 6-bar (not closed form) example can be found here.

- D.P.