Mesh Nodes

Mesh nodes build a topologically connected mesh of polygons represented by a Quad Edged mesh data structure. This representation is useful for performing solid modeling operations where it is necessary to know neighbor relationships between facets, vertices, and edges.


A mesh statement creates a mesh facets. A mesh is similar to an object in that it is a group of facets. The difference is that all of the geometry of a mesh is nested within the mesh statement and cannot be accessed by any other entity. The mesh is able to create a Quad Edge mesh once on start up, and then quickly update values of the mesh without having to remesh. A mesh can contain one or more patches of facets either closed or with boundary.

SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
mesh id
  vertexproperty id
  vertex id ( point_triple )
    normal ( normal_triple )
texture ( texture_triple )
vertexproperty vertexproperty_id 
  facet id  ( vertex_idlist )
  edgeproperty id
    sharpness sharpness_flag 
  edge id ( vertex_id vertex_id )
    edgeproperty edgeproperty_id 
  solid solid_flag
surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"

SLIDE Defaults tclinit Defaults
mesh id
  solid SLF_SOLID
ribbegin SLF_NULL
ribend SLF_NULL

Example: Tetrahedron

This example constructs a tetrahedral mesh with three of it edges tagged with edge sharpnesses. Any edges that are not specifically tagged will get a default edge sharpness of 0.0.

# Tetrahedron

mesh mTetra
  vertexproperty vpCorner

  vertex v1 ( 1 -1  1)
    vertexproperty vpCorner
  vertex v2 (-1  1  1) endvertex
  vertex v3 ( 1  1 -1) endvertex
  vertex v4 (-1 -1 -1) endvertex

  facet f1 (v2 v1 v3) endfacet
  facet f2 (v4 v3 v1) endfacet
  facet f3 (v3 v4 v2) endfacet
  facet f4 (v1 v2 v4) endfacet

  edgeproperty epSmooth 
    sharpness 0.0
  edgeproperty epSemiSharp 
    sharpness 2.0
  edgeproperty epSharp 
    sharpness SLF_INFINITY

  edge e1 (v1 v2) 
    edgeproperty epSmooth
  edge e2 (v1 v3) 
    edgeproperty epSemiSharp
  edge e3 (v1 v4) 
    edgeproperty epSharp

This polyhedron can then be input into a subdivision node and make full use of the different subdivision methods including sharp edge tagging.


A convexhull statement creates a closed convex polyhedral mesh by taking the convex hull of a cloud of 3D points. Conceptually the process of taking a convex hull can be thought of as shrink wrapping a set of points that are fixed in space. The convex hull is calculated using the randomized Quickhull algorithm.

SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
convexhull id  ( point_idlist )
  solid solid_flag
surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
slide create convexhull id  { point_idlist } \
  -solid solid_flag \
-surface surface_id \
-shading shading_flag \
-lod lod_flag \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \

SLIDE Defaults tclinit Defaults
convexhull id  ( point_idlist )
  solid SLF_SOLID
ribbegin SLF_NULL
ribend SLF_NULL
slide create convexhull id  { point_idlist } \
  -solid $SLF_SOLID \
-surface $SLF_INHERIT \
-shading $SLF_INHERIT \
-lod $SLF_FULL \
-ribbegin $SLF_NULL \
-ribend $SLF_NULL

Example: Random Points

This example generates a set of random points in the box ( [-1,1], [-1,1], [0,1] ). It then sets them as the input to a convexhull node which builds the convex hull polyhedron.

tclinit {
  set iPoints 50

  set ptsRandomCloud {}
  for { set i 0 } { $i < $iPoints } { incr i } {
    set pt(X) [expr (rand() - 0.5) * 2.0]
    set pt(Y) [expr (rand() - 0.5) * 2.0]
    set pt(Z) [expr rand()]

    slide create point "pRandomCloud[subst $i]" [list $pt(X) $pt(Y) $pt(Z)]
    lappend ptsRandomCloud "pRandomCloud[subst $i]"

  slide create convexhull oRandomCloud $ptsRandomCloud
Solid Wire Frame

This polyhedron can then be input into a subdivision node, and the resulting surface is a pleasing pebble shape.


A terrain statement creates a triangular mesh height field from a cloud of 3D points. The triangular mesh is created by projecting the 3D points into the XY-plane, forming the Delaunay triangulation of the 2D points, and then restoring the Z values of the points. With this construct it is possible to create a nonregular mesh of triangles simply by naming the vertices without any topology information. It is also possible to create 2D Voronoi diagrams of the input points.

SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
terrain id  ( point_idlist )
  type delaunay_flag
voronoi voronoi_flag
accuracy accuracy_flag
random onoff_flag
drawdelaunay onoff_flag
drawvertices onoff_flag
solid solid_flag
surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
slide create terrain id  { point_idlist } \
  -type delaunay_flag \
-voronoi voronoi_flag \
-accuracy accuracy_flag \
-random onoff_flag \
-drawdelaunay onoff_flag \
-drawvertices onoff_flag \
-solid solid_flag \
-surface surface_id \
-shading shading_flag \
-lod lod_flag \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \

SLIDE Defaults tclinit Defaults
terrain id
accuracy SLF_FLOAT
random SLF_OFF
drawdelaunay SLF_ON
drawvertices SLF_OFF
ribbegin SLF_NULL
ribend SLF_NULL
slide create terrain id \
-voronoi SLF_VORONOI_OFF \
-accuracy SLF_FLOAT \
-random SLF_OFF \
-drawdelaunay SLF_ON \
-drawvertices SLF_OFF \
-solid $SLF_SOLID \
-surface $SLF_INHERIT \
-shading $SLF_INHERIT \
-lod $SLF_FULL \
-ribbegin $SLF_NULL \
-ribend $SLF_NULL

Field Description

The Delaunay triangulation algorithm which will be used to create the mesh, see the Delaunay type for details.


The algorithm which will be used to create the Voronoi diagram, see the Voronoi type for details.


The level of numeric accuracy which will be used to compute the Delaunay triangulation and the Voronoi diagram, see the accuray type for details.


Whether or not to randomize the order of the input vertices. This can have a great effect on the running time of some of the algorithms.


Whether or not to draw the Delaunay triangulation mesh.


Whether or not to draw the input vertex sites.

Example: Random Terrain

This example shows how the terrain node can be used to easily build a random terrain. The example only needs to generate a set of random points because the connectivity information will be implicit in the X and Y position of the points based on the Delaunay triangulation.

tclinit { 
  package require slideui

  toplevel .slfWindow.ui

  CreateSLIDETerrainObject oTerrain
  set widget [CreateSLIDETerrainUI .slfWindow.ui oTerrain]
  pack $widget

tclinit {
  set iPoints 20

  set ptsRandom {}
  for { set i 0 } { $i < $iPoints } { incr i } {
    set pt(X) [expr (rand() - 0.5) * 2.0]
    set pt(Y) [expr (rand() - 0.5) * 2.0]
    set pt(Z) [expr rand()]

    slide create point "pRandom[subst $i]" [list $pt(X) $pt(Y) $pt(Z)]
    lappend ptsRandom "pRandom[subst $i]"

  slide create terrain oTerrain $ptsRandom \
	-solid { expr $oTerrain(solid) } \
	-shading { expr $oTerrain(shading) } \
	-type { expr $oTerrain(type) } \
	-voronoi { expr $oTerrain(voronoi) } \
	-accuracy { expr $oTerrain(accuracy) } \
	-random { expr $oTerrain(random) } \
	-drawdelaunay { expr $oTerrain(drawdelaunay) } \
	-drawvertices { expr $oTerrain(drawvertices) }

The SLIDE description above builds a terrain mesh over 20 randomly generated points. The images below show the output of the Delaunay and Voronoi algorithms in the XY-plane. The Delaunay triangulation generates the triangular mesh. The Voronoi diagram is the planar dual of the Delaunay triangulation. It divides the plane into zones each associated with the input vertex which is the closest.

Input Delaunay Voronoi Duality

The images below show a second instantiation with 100 random points. The Delaunay triangulation is formed in the XY-plane and then the Z coordinates are restored creating a jagged terrain due to the random input. This example shows how the terrain node might be used to make simple models using laser range data.

Solid Wire Frame


The object and face primitives make it possible to build arbitrary polyhedrons out of convex facets. Sometimes it is much more natural to specify a shape using concave facets or facets with holes in them. As these shapes are harder to operate on, it is necessary to break them up into convex pieces, in most cases triangles.

The generalface statement creates a triangular mesh given a boundary set of non-intersecting oriented 2D contours. The triangular mesh is created by computing the constrained Delaunay triangulation (CDT) of the input contour edges. This construct is useful for tesselating non-convex polygons. The algorithm which is used is the 2D y-monotoning algorithm. The generalface allows 3D input. The 3D input must be transformed into the XY-plane where the y-monotoning algorithm can be performed and then it is transformed back to its position in 3D.

It is also possible to compute the generalized Voronoi diagram of the input contours. Once the Voronoi diagram is created, it is possible to create a set of offset contours.

SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
generalface id  ( point_idlist )
  contour ( point_idlist )
contour ( point_idlist )
type delaunay_flag
voronoi voronoi_flag
accuracy accuracy_flag
random onoff_flag
offsets offsets_int
offsetmin offsetmin_float
offsetmax offsetmax_float
drawcontours onoff_flag
drawvertices onoff_flag
drawCDT onoff_flag
drawoffset onoff_flag
solid solid_flag
surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
slide create generalface id  { point_idlist } \
  -contours { { point_idlist } \
{ point_idlist } \
... } \
-type delaunay_flag \
-voronoi voronoi_flag \
-accuracy accuracy_flag \
-random onoff_flag \
-offsets offsets_int \
-offsetmin offsetmin_float \
-offsetmax offsetmax_float \
-drawcontours onoff_flag \
-drawvertices onoff_flag \
-drawCDT onoff_flag \
-drawoffset onoff_flag \
-solid solid_flag \
-surface surface_id \
-shading shading_flag \
-lod lod_flag \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \

SLIDE Defaults tclinit Defaults
generalface id
accuracy SLF_FLOAT
random SLF_OFF
offsets 0
offsetmin 0.0
offsetmax 0.0
drawcontours SLF_OFF
drawvertices SLF_OFF
drawoffset SLF_OFF
ribbegin SLF_NULL
ribend SLF_NULL
slide create generalface id \
-voronoi SLF_VORONOI_OFF \
-accuracy SLF_FLOAT \
-random SLF_OFF \
-offsets 0 \
-offsetmin 0.0 \
-offsetmax 0.0 \
-drawcontours SLF_OFF \
-drawvertices SLF_OFF \
-drawCDT SLF_ON \
-drawoffset SLF_OFF \
-solid $SLF_SOLID \
-surface $SLF_INHERIT \
-shading $SLF_INHERIT \
-lod $SLF_FULL \
-ribbegin $SLF_NULL \
-ribend $SLF_NULL

Field Description

The Delaunay triangulation algorithm which will be used to create the mesh, see the Delaunay type for details.


The algorithm which will be used to create the Voronoi diagram, see the Voronoi type for details.


The level of numeric accuracy which will be used to compute the Delaunay triangulation and the Voronoi diagram, see the accuray type for details.


Whether or not to randomize the order of the input vertices. This can have a great effect on the running time of some of the algorithms.


Number of incremental offset contour sets to create.

0 <= offsets


Minimum offset distance value.


Maximum offset distance value.


Whether or not to draw the input contours.


Whether or not to draw the input vertex sites.


Whether or not to draw the CDT mesh.


Whether or not to draw the offset contours.

Example: Annulus

The annulus example shows a non-convex polygon which is bounded by a concave outer contour with a single inner hole contour.

tclinit {
  package require slideui

  toplevel .slfWindow.ui

  CreateSLIDEGeneralFaceObject oGeneralFace
  set widget [CreateSLIDEGeneralFaceUI .slfWindow.ui oGeneralFace]
  pack $widget  

point p0_0 ( 2 3 0 ) endpoint
point p0_1 ( 0 2 0 ) endpoint
point p0_2 ( -2 3 0 ) endpoint
point p0_3 ( -2 -2 0 ) endpoint
point p0_4 ( 2 -2 0 ) endpoint

point p1_0 ( 1 -1 0 ) endpoint
point p1_1 ( -0.9 -0.9 0 ) endpoint
point p1_2 ( -1 1 0 ) endpoint
point p1_3 ( 1.1 1.1 0 ) endpoint

generalface oGeneralFace ( p0_0 p0_1 p0_2 p0_3 p0_4 )
  contour ( p1_0 p1_1 p1_2 p1_3 )
  solid { expr $oGeneralFace(solid) }
  shading { expr $oGeneralFace(shading) }
  type { expr $oGeneralFace(type) }
  voronoi { expr $oGeneralFace(voronoi) }
  accuracy { expr $oGeneralFace(accuracy) }
  random { expr $oGeneralFace(random) }

The table below shows the desired shape, a triangulation of this shape, and a visualization of the Voronoi diagram of the input contours where edges and vertices are Voronoi sites.

Input Triangulation Voronoi


A subdivision statement creates a closed triangular mesh which can then be subdivided using one of a number of subdivision techniques. The initial control mesh is defined by a set SLIDE nodes which are instanced by the subdivision node. The control mesh is created by hierarchically merging the facets defined by the instanced geometry to form a fully closed mesh of facets. If this merging process fails the unmatched boundary edges will be highlighted by the renderer so that the can be repaired in the description file. Once a closed mesh has been created a subdivision algorithm can be applied to create an asymptotically smooth surface.

SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
subdivision id 
  type subdivision_flag
subdivisions subdivisions_int
drawcontrols onoff_flag
solid solid_flag
surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
slide create subdivision id \
  -type subdivision_flag \
-subdivisions subdivisions_int \
-drawcontrols onoff_flag \
-solid solid_flag \
-surface surface_id \
-shading shading_flag \
-lod lod_flag \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \

SLIDE Defaults tclinit Defaults
subdivision id
subdivisions 0
drawcontrols SLF_OFF
ribbegin SLF_NULL
ribend SLF_NULL
slide create subdivision id \
-subdvisions 0 \
-drawcontrols $SLF_OFF \
-solid $SLF_SOLID \
-surface $SLF_INHERIT \
-shading $SLF_INHERIT \
-lod $SLF_FULL \
-ribbegin $SLF_NULL \
-ribend $SLF_NULL

Field Description

The subdivision algorithm which will be used to subdivide the mesh, see the subdivision type for details.


The number of subdivision steps to apply to the control mesh.


Whether or not to draw the control mesh in wire frame.

Example: Subdivided Octahedron

The SLIDE description below shows how to create and use a subdivision node. The tclinit block creates a Tcl associative array called oSubivision which has fields which are manipulated by a Tk UI. The values in the oSubdivision associative array will be used to control the subdivision node. The include statement imports a SLIDE file which describes an octahedron. The subdivision node links its parameters to fields in the Tcl associative array. The subdivision node instances the octahedron object which as its starting geometry. The subdivision node can then apply one of the subdivision algorithms to the geometry a specified number of times.

tclinit {
  package require slideui

  toplevel .slfWindow.ui

  CreateSLIDESubdivisionObject oSubdivision
  set widget [CreateSLIDESubdivisionUI .slfWindow.ui oSubdivision]
  pack $widget  

include "octahedron.slf" # describes object oOctahedron

subdivision oSubdivision
  shading {expr $oSubdivision(shading)}

  type {expr $oSubdivision(type)}
  subdivisions {expr $oSubdivision(subdivisions)}
  drawcontrols {expr $oSubdivision(drawcontrols)}

  instance oOctahedron

The table below shows the result of setting the parameters in the Tk UI. The rows correspond to the different subdivision algorithms which are supported. The columns correspond to the number of subdivision steps which have been applied to the original octahedron. Note that when zero subdivisions are applied the result is the original geometry, so the result is the same for all the different algorithms. The geometry is rendered in wire frame so that it is easier to understand the basic recursion of the different algorithms. Then a flat shaded image is included to show how smooth the result can look. The original geometry or control mesh is rendered as a reference in yellow wire frame over top of the subdivision surface geometry.

Subdivisions 0 1 2 3 5

The first four subdivision types only work for input geometry which has been tesselated into triangles only. The Triangle subdivision type simply turns each triangle into four subtriangles. This was mainly useful for developing the topological operations necessary for performing the Butterfly, Zorin, and Loop subdivision types. The Triangle subdivision is also useful for subsampling triangulated geometry. One example of the utility of subsampling triangles is creating highlights while shading.

The Butterfly and Zorin subdivision techniques are interpolating schemes. They both use the same topologic subdivision step, but they move the newly created points off of the original polygonal geometry by a function based on neighboring vertices. Zorin's technique is an extension to the simpler Butterfly technique. The interpolating nature of these two techniques makes it difficult for them to create smooth surfaces for arbitrary control meshes.

The Loop, Doo-Sabin, and Catmull-Clark subdivision types are all approximating techniques. They move the newly created vertices as well as the currently present vertices on each subdivision step. This extra averaging allows these subdivision processes to create smoother looking surfaces. Note that the approximating techniques yield surfaces which are smaller than the control mesh where as the interpolating techniques yield surfaces which are larger than the control mesh. The approximating methods have the convex hull property. The convex hull property guarantees that the final geometry is completely contained within the convex hull of the control mesh.

Loop's algorithm uses the same basic triangle subdivision step. Doo-Sabin subdivision is a generalization of quadratic B-spline patches over irregular control meshes. Catmull-Clark subdivision is a generalization of cubic B-spline patches over irregular control meshes.


An offset statement creates a mesh that can then be offset using one of a number of offset techniques. The initial control mesh is defined by a set of SLIDE nodes which are instanced by the offset node. The control mesh is created by hierarchically merging the facets defined by the instanced geometry to form a connected mesh of facets. Once a mesh has been created an offsetting algorithm can be applied to create a naive offset surface. The current offsetting algorithms do not handle self intersections properly.

SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
offset id 
  type offset_flag
height height_float
width width_float
drawcontrols onoff_flag
solid solid_flag
surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
slide create offset id \
  -type offset_flag \
-height height_float \
-width width_float \
-drawcontrols onoff_flag \
-solid solid_flag \
-surface surface_id \
-shading shading_flag \
-lod lod_flag \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \

SLIDE Defaults tclinit Defaults
offset id
height 0.0
width 0.0
drawcontrols SLF_OFF
ribbegin SLF_NULL
ribend SLF_NULL
slide create offset id \
-height 0.0 \
-width 0.0 \
-drawcontrols $SLF_OFF \
-solid $SLF_SOLID \
-surface $SLF_INHERIT \
-shading $SLF_INHERIT \
-lod $SLF_FULL \
-ribbegin $SLF_NULL \
-ribend $SLF_NULL

Field Description

The offset algorithm which will be used to offset the mesh, see the offset type for details.


The distance to offset the surface normal to the control mesh.


The distance to offset from the edges tangent to the control mesh. This applies for SLF_OFFSET_ANGULAR only.


Whether or not to draw the control mesh in wire frame.

Example: Offset Octahedron

The SLIDE description below shows how to create and use a offset node. The tclinit block creates a Tcl associative array called oOffset which has fields which are manipulated by a Tk UI. The values in the oOffset associative array will be used to control the offset node. The include statement imports a SLIDE file which describes an octahedron. The offset node links its parameters to fields in the Tcl associative array. The offset node instances the octahedron object as its starting geometry. The offset node can then apply one of the offset algorithms to the geometry.

tclinit {
  package require slideui

  toplevel .slfWindow.ui

  CreateSLIDEOffsetObject oOffset
  set widget [CreateSLIDEOffsetUI .slfWindow.ui oOffset]
  pack $widget  

include "octahedron.slf" # describes object oOctahedron

offset oOffset
  shading {expr $oOffset(shading)}

  type {expr $oOffset(type)}
  height {expr $oOffset(height)}
  width {expr $oOffset(width)}

  drawcontrols {expr $oOffset(drawcontrols)}

  instance oOctahedron


A dual statement creates a closed mesh and then creates the dual mesh. The initial control mesh is defined by a set of SLIDE nodes which are instanced by the dual node. The control mesh is created by hierarchically merging the facets defined by the instanced geometry to form a fully closed mesh of facets. If this merging process fails the unmatched boundary edges will be highlighted by the renderer so that the can be repaired in the description file. Once a closed mesh has been created the dual mesh can then be created.

SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
dual id 
  drawcontrols onoff_flag
solid solid_flag
surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
slide create dual id \
  -drawcontrols onoff_flag \
-solid solid_flag \
-surface surface_id \
-shading shading_flag \
-lod lod_flag \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \

SLIDE Defaults tclinit Defaults
dual id
  drawcontrols SLF_OFF
ribbegin SLF_NULL
ribend SLF_NULL
slide create dual id \
  -drawcontrols $SLF_OFF \
-solid $SLF_SOLID \
-surface $SLF_INHERIT \
-shading $SLF_INHERIT \
-lod $SLF_FULL \
-ribbegin $SLF_NULL \
-ribend $SLF_NULL

Field Description

Whether or not to draw the control mesh in wire frame.

Example: Dual Octahedron

The SLIDE description below shows how to create and use a dual node. The tclinit block creates a Tcl associative array called oDual which has fields which are manipulated by a Tk UI. The values in the oDual associative array will be used to control the dual node. The include statement imports a SLIDE file which describes an octahedron. The dual node links its parameters to fields in the Tcl associative array. The dual node instances the octahedron object as its starting geometry. The dual node then creates the dual mesh where facets become vertices and vertices become facets.

tclinit {
  package require slideui

  toplevel .slfWindow.ui

  CreateSLIDEDualObject oDual
  set widget [CreateSLIDEDualUI .slfWindow.ui oDual]
  pack $widget  

include "octahedron.slf" # describes object oOctahedron

dual oDual
  shading {expr $oDual(shading)}

  drawcontrols {expr $oDual(drawcontrols)}

  instance oOctahedron


A mirror statement creates a closed mesh and then creates the mirror mesh. The initial control mesh is defined by a set of SLIDE nodes which are instanced by the mirror node. The control mesh is created by hierarchically merging the facets defined by the instanced geometry to form a mesh of facets. The mirror mesh is created by reversing the sense of all the facets.

SLIDE Definition tclinit Definition
mirror id 
  drawcontrols onoff_flag
solid solid_flag
surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
slide create mirror id \
  -drawcontrols onoff_flag \
-solid solid_flag \
-surface surface_id \
-shading shading_flag \
-lod lod_flag \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \

SLIDE Defaults tclinit Defaults
mirror id
  drawcontrols SLF_OFF
ribbegin SLF_NULL
ribend SLF_NULL
slide create mirror id \
  -drawcontrols $SLF_OFF \
-solid $SLF_SOLID \
-surface $SLF_INHERIT \
-shading $SLF_INHERIT \
-lod $SLF_FULL \
-ribbegin $SLF_NULL \
-ribend $SLF_NULL

Field Description

Whether or not to draw the control mesh in wire frame.

Example: Mirror Octahedron

The SLIDE description below shows how to create and use a mirror node. The tclinit block creates a Tcl associative array called oMirror which has fields which are manipulated by a Tk UI. The values in the oMirror associative array will be used to control the mirror node. The include statement imports a SLIDE file which describes an octahedron. The mirror node links its parameters to fields in the Tcl associative array. The mirror node instances the octahedron object as its starting geometry. The mirror node then creates the mirror mesh where all the facets orientations are reversed.

tclinit {
  package require slideui

  toplevel .slfWindow.ui

  CreateSLIDEMirrorObject oMirror
  set widget [CreateSLIDEMirrorUI .slfWindow.ui oMirror]
  pack $widget  

include "octahedron.slf" # describes object oOctahedron

mirror oMirror
  shading {expr $oMirror(shading)}

  drawcontrols {expr $oMirror(drawcontrols)}

  instance oOctahedron