SIF Version 1.0 | |||
SIF SFF | SIF DSG | STL | SIF Source |
This table provides a guideline as how to interpret the following two tables.
Syntax | Description |
| | Or |
* | Zero or more |
+ | One or more |
{} | Grouping a subexpression |
[] | Optional subexpression |
Comment Info | Appear in italics |
Tokens | Appear in ALL CAPITALS |
Key Words | Appear in bold |
SIF is an ASCII file format which is similar lexically to C code. SIF does not have a preprocessor, and it does not have any macro text facilities. Macro can be simulated using file inclusion. SIF is a static scoped language, like Pascal, and forward references are illegal.
Token | Description |
{" ", "\t", "\n"} | White space is used as separators in SIF and then ignored |
(* ... *) | Multiline comments can be nested |
# ... \n | Single line comments can be used with multiline comments |
( include "filename" ) | Included files are sourced at the point of the include statement and appear to the interpreter as if the SIF description were one sequential file. Circular includes are not allowed. |
INT | positive or negative constant integer |
ID | C style identifier |
( ) | Delimit expression as in LISP |
arc | A piece of a circle |
bezier2d | A tensor product Bezier surface patch |
body | A set of fused lumps |
boundary1d | A single outer contour with zero or more inner contours |
boundary2d | A single outer shell with zero or more inner shells |
bspline2d | A tensor product BSpline surface patch |
circle | A circular contour |
contour | A sequential set of open 1D entities |
coord_precision | Sets how much accuracy of values should be trusted |
def | Define |
e | Exponential or Scientific notation for a value |
f | A planar facet bounded by a convex contour |
face | A planar face bounded by an outer contour with zero or more inner contours |
inst | Instantiate |
lump | A continuous solid bounded by a single outer shell and zero or more innner shells |
lumpset | A set of lumps |
mo | Mirror the orientation in place |
mx | Mirror along the X-axis through the YZ-plane |
my | Mirror along the Y-axis through the XZ-plane |
mz | Mirror along the Z-axis through the XY-plane |
nested1d | A set of contours which are strictly nested inside a single outer contour |
nested2d | A set of shells which are strictly nested inside a single outer shell |
path | A sequential set of open 1D entities |
r | Row |
rv | Rotate around the vector by an angle |
rx | Rotate around the X-axis by an angle |
ry | Rotate around the Y-axis by an angle |
rz | Rotate around the Z-axis by an angle |
sa | Scale all coordinates by the same value |
shell | A closed surface |
sv | Scale by the vector |
sx | Scale the X coordinate by the value |
sy | Scale the Y coordinate by the value |
sz | Scale the Z coordinate by the value |
SIF_SFF | Header stating that this is a SIF SFF type file |
surface | A set of 2D elements |
t | A triangle |
tab | Triangle Array Backward |
tac | Triangle Array Cross Hatched |
taf | Triangle Array Forwar |
tf | Triangle Fan |
tm | Triangle Mesh |
tsb | Triangle Strip Backward |
tsf | Triangle Strip Forward |
tv | Translate by the vector |
tx | Translate in X |
ty | Translate in Y |
tz | Translate in Z |
units | Sets the units for values within a scope |
v | A vertex |
body , body_decl , body_decl_list , body_def , body_inst , body_inline , body_list , boundary_1d , boundary_1d_def , boundary_1d_inline , boundary_1d_inst , boundary_2d , boundary_2d_def , boundary_2d_inline , boundary_2d_inst , bspline_2d , circle , closed_1d_decl , closed_1d_decl_list , closed_2d_decl , closed_2d_decl_list , complete_segment , contour , contour_def , contour_inline , contour_inst , contour_list , contour_segment_list , face , facet , id , incomplete_segment , lump , lump_decl , lump_decl_list , lump_def , lump_inline , lump_inst , lump_list , lump_set , lump_set_decl , lump_set_decl_list , lump_set_def , lump_set_inline , lump_set_inst , mirror , nested_1d , nested_1d_decl , nested_1d_decl_list , nested_1d_def , nested_1d_inline , nested_1d_inst , nested_1d_list , nested_2d , nested_2d_decl , nested_2d_decl_list , nested_2d_def , nested_2d_inline , nested_2d_inst , nested_2d_list , open_1d_decl , open_1d_decl_list , open_2d , open_2d_decl , open_2d_decl_list , open_2d_list , part , path_def , path_inst , path_segment_list , rotate , scale , setting , setting_list , shell , shell_def , shell_inline , shell_inst , shell_list , surface , surface_def , surface_inline , surface_inst , transform , transform_list , translate , triangle , value , vertex
This page is maintained by
Jordan Smith
Last modified: 1/11/99
This page was designed and tested under Netscape using common HTML constructs. No browsers are blocked from viewing this page. Please send mail to the maintainer of this page if you find any broken links or errors in the page construction. |