Overview    Publications    Projects    Services   


2023-12: I am invited to be a PC member of SIGMOD 2025. Check out the changes to this year's CFP here!

2023-06: I have published a video to summarize my research in my Ph.D. and PostDoc. Please check it out here!

2023-06: Our paper "Visualizing Spreadsheet Formula Graphs Compactly" is accepted by the Demo Track of VLDB 2023

2023-04: I am invited to be a PC member of HILDA 2023

2023-02: Our paper "Efficient and Compact Spreadsheet Formula Graphs" is accepted by ICDE 2023

2023-01: The paper for Transactional Panorama is accepted by VLDB 2023

2022-11: I am invited to be a PC member of EDBT 2024

2022-10: I gave a talk about Lux at EPIC Advance

2022-09: I gave a talk at VLDB'22 about our paper "Flexible Rule-Based Decomposition and Metadata Independence in Modin: A Parallel Dataframe System". Please check out the video here.

2022-06: I will attend SIGMOD'22 in person and chair Session 2: Query Processing and Optimization

2021-12: I am invited to be a PC member of SIGMOD 2023

2021-11: I gave a talk about Modin at RISECamp 2021

2021-10: Two papers from Modin and Lux projects are accepted by VLDB 2022