@COMMENT This file was generated by bib2html.pl version 0.94 @COMMENT written by Patrick Riley @COMMENT This file came from Sanjit Seshia's publication pages at http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~sseshia @InProceedings{seshia-dac15, Author = {Seshia, Sanjit A. and Dorsa Sadigh and S. Shankar Sastry}, Title = {Formal Methods for Semi-Autonomous Driving}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Design Automation Conference (DAC)}, Year = {2015}, Month = {June}, pages = {148:1--148:5}, Abstract = {We give an overview of the main challenges in the specification, design, and verification of human cyber-physical systems, with a special focus on semi-autonomous vehicles. We identify unique characteristics of formal modeling, specification, verification and synthesis in this domain. Some initial results and design principles are presented along with directions for future work.}, }