Biochemistry as a Programming Language

Saurabh Srivastava, Tim Hsiau, Sarah Chasins, Jonathan Kotker, Yen-Sheng Ho, Paul Ruan, Jeff Tsui, Stephi Hamilton, Jene Li, J. Christopher Anderson, Sanjit A. Seshia, and Rastislav Bodik. Biochemistry as a Programming Language. In Proc. Off the Beaten Track (OBT/POPL), January 2013.




Synthetic biology makes biology engineerable. One objective of this engineering is to modify the chemical reactions within the cell, i.e., the biochemistry, to produce non-native compounds of commercial interest. To do this at scale, ideas from language design, verification, and synthesis will be useful. In this talk, we present our lessons learnt, future avenues and open problems, in formalizing biochemistry.


  author    = {Saurabh Srivastava and Tim Hsiau and Sarah Chasins and Jonathan Kotker and Yen-Sheng Ho and Paul Ruan and Jeff Tsui and Stephi Hamilton and Jene Li and J. Christopher Anderson and Sanjit A. Seshia and Rastislav Bodik},
  title     = {Biochemistry as a Programming Language},
 booktitle = {Proc. Off the Beaten Track (OBT/POPL)},
 month = "January",
 year = {2013},
 abstract = {Synthetic biology makes biology engineerable. One objective 
of this engineering is to modify the chemical reactions 
within the cell, i.e., the biochemistry, to produce non-native 
compounds of commercial interest. To do this at scale, ideas 
from language design, verification, and synthesis will be 
useful. In this talk, we present our lessons learnt, future avenues 
and open problems, in formalizing biochemistry.},

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