Scalable Lazy SMT-based Motion Planning
Yasser Shoukry, Pierluigi Nuzzo, Indranil Saha, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Sanjit A. Seshia andGeorge J. Pappas, and Paulo Tabuada. Scalable Lazy SMT-based Motion Planning. In Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 6683–6688, December 2016.
We present a scalable robot motion planning algorithm for reach-avoid problems. We assume a discrete-time, linear model of the robot dynamics and a workspace described by a set of obstacles and a target region, where both the obstacles and the region are polyhedra. Our goal is to construct a trajectory, and the associated control strategy, that steers the robot from its initial point to the target while avoiding obstacles. Differently from previous approaches, based on the discretization of the continuous state space or uniform discretization of the workspace, our approach, inspired by the lazy satisfiability modulo theory paradigm, decomposes the planning problem into smaller subproblems, which can be efficiently solved using specialized solvers. At each iteration, we use a coarse, obstacle-based discretization of the workspace to obtain candidate high-level, discrete plans that solve a set of Boolean constraints, while completely abstracting the low-level continuous dynamics. The feasibility of the proposed plans is then checked via a convex program, under constraints on both the system dynamics and the control inputs, and new candidate plans are generated until a feasible one is found. To achieve scalability, we show how to generate succinct explanations for the infeasibility of a discrete plan by exploiting a relaxation of the convex program that allows detecting the earliest possible occurrence of an infeasible transition between workspace regions. Simulation results show that our algorithm favorably compares with state-of-the-art techniques and scales well for complex systems, including robot dynamics with up to 50 continuous states.
@inproceedings{shoukry-cdc16a, author = {Yasser Shoukry and Pierluigi Nuzzo and Indranil Saha and Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and Sanjit A. Seshia and George J. Pappas and Paulo Tabuada}, title = {Scalable Lazy {SMT}-based Motion Planning}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, Year = {2016}, Month = {December}, pages = "6683--6688", abstract = {We present a scalable robot motion planning algorithm for reach-avoid problems. We assume a discrete-time, linear model of the robot dynamics and a workspace described by a set of obstacles and a target region, where both the obstacles and the region are polyhedra. Our goal is to construct a trajectory, and the associated control strategy, that steers the robot from its initial point to the target while avoiding obstacles. Differently from previous approaches, based on the discretization of the continuous state space or uniform discretization of the workspace, our approach, inspired by the lazy satisfiability modulo theory paradigm, decomposes the planning problem into smaller subproblems, which can be efficiently solved using specialized solvers. At each iteration, we use a coarse, obstacle-based discretization of the workspace to obtain candidate high-level, discrete plans that solve a set of Boolean constraints, while completely abstracting the low-level continuous dynamics. The feasibility of the proposed plans is then checked via a convex program, under constraints on both the system dynamics and the control inputs, and new candidate plans are generated until a feasible one is found. To achieve scalability, we show how to generate succinct explanations for the infeasibility of a discrete plan by exploiting a relaxation of the convex program that allows detecting the earliest possible occurrence of an infeasible transition between workspace regions. Simulation results show that our algorithm favorably compares with state-of-the-art techniques and scales well for complex systems, including robot dynamics with up to 50 continuous states.}, }