Note to Prospective Students and Postdocs
Postdocs and Graduate Students:
Positions are available in my group for postdocs and graduate students, with suitable backgrounds (in CS, EE, Math, etc.),
interested any of the following topics:
- Fundamental topics in formal verification and synthesis: model checking, SAT/SMT solving, automatic synthesis, specification generation, abstraction, etc.
- Applications to embedded/cyber-physical systems, computer security, AI/machine learning based systems, robotics, software engineering, electronic design automation.
Please see my publication list to learn
more about recent research projects.
For Postdoc Positions:
If interested, please e-mail me your CV and a description of research interests and experience.
For Graduate Students:
If you're interested and are
already at or admitted to Berkeley, please e-mail me and/or drop by
my office to discuss research opportunities.
If you're not yet at Berkeley, please read the information at
this URL.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities:
If you're a Berkeley undergraduate student and would like to do research
with me, drop by my office during my office hours. A couple of research
opportunities are usually available each semester and during the summer.
If you are not enrolled at UC Berkeley, please note that I usually do not
take on undergraduate summer interns from outside Berkeley.