Open Source Quality Project Retreat
May 9-11, 2007
Santa Cruz
The meeting will take place at the West Coast Hotel in
Santa Cruz.
Wed, May 9
2:00pm For Berkeley students: Bus leaves Soda Hall
7:30pm Dinner. We have made reservations for 7:30pm at two restaurants in downtown
Santa Cruz, about 1-2 miles from the hotel. We are planning to walk there. We
will meet at the hotel reception at 6:45pm and divide into two groups.
We will probably start walking at 7:00. We will maintain a few
available seats at each restaurant for latecomers. If you arrive very
late (after 8:30 or so), and want to get a quick bite, go to the pub
that is at the entrance to the
Wharf (very close to the hotel). Open late, some light food.
Thu, May 10: (The Santa Cruz Room)
8:30am Continental breakfast
9am Kick off, quick introductions
- Prof. Koushik Sen:"Verification and Testing: Bridging the Gap"
- A J Shankar:"Ditto: Automatic Incrementalization of Data Structure Invariant Checks"
- Suhabe Bugrara (Stanford):"Towards Verifying Finite-State Safety Properties of an Operating System"
10:45am coffee break
- Bor-Yuh Evan Chang: "Shape Analysis with Structural Invariant Checkers"
- Isil and Thomas Dillig (Stanford):"Static Error Detection Using Semantic Inconsistency Inference"
- Armando Solar-Lezama: "Sketching Stencils"
12:15pm lunch
2pm "8-minute madness"
- Share with us your recent results, work in progress, or just any thought-provoking idea.
- You have 7 minutes followed by a few quick questions.
- Open to everybody, including visitors.
- If you plan to use slides, email them to Sanjit or use a USB memory stick.
3:15pm Refreshments.
3:30pm More madness.
4:30pm Free time until dinner. Suggested activity: a group walk along the shore to the lighthouse.
6pm dinner. Casablanca Restaurant. Beach Street and Main Street, Santa Cruz, CA, 95062, Tel: 831.423.1570
8:30pm: desert, wine and a panel discussion back at the hotel. Proposed topic: What to do with spare transistors: Creative ideas for the multi-core revolution.
Fri, May 11
8:30am continental breakfast
- Prof. Sanjit Seshia: "Diagnosis, Repair, and Multi-Armed Bandits"
- Sorav Bansal (Stanford): "Binary Translation Using Peephole Superoptimizers"
- Pallavi Joshi:"Predictive Testing: Amplifying the effectiveness of software testing"
10:15am break (a good time to check-out)
- Prof. David Schmidt (Kansas):"Extracting program logics from abstract interpretations defined by logical relations"
- Manu Sridharan:"Thin Slicing"
- Adam Chlipala:"A Certified Type-Preserving Compiler from Lambda Calculus to Assembly Language"
12:00pm buffet lunch
12:30pm Visitor feedback session, overlapping the lunch.
2:30pm For Berkeley students: Bus leaves The Coast Hotel.