Bronze Sculptures by Carlo H. Séquin

Last page update: Feb. 22, 2011.


"Torus Knot (5,3)" (May 2010)
- bronze,  10" x 7" x 15" tall.    
[Winner of 2nd Prize at 2011 JMM in New Orleans.]                            
approximate weight:  9 pounds.
available for sale for:  $3,900.--

"Aurora Borealis and Australis" (January 2010)
- bronze 9" x 8" x 15" tall (green or pink patina)
approximate weight:  8 pounds.
available for sale for:  $3,700.-- each.

"Figure-8 Knot" (December 2007)
- bronze, 5.5" x 4.5" x 7.5" tall.
[Winner of 2nd Prize at 2009 JMM].
approximate weight:  5 pounds.
available for sale for:  $2,800.--

"Scherk-Tower" (October 2009)
- bronze, 4" x 4" x 9.5" tall
approximate weight:  5 pounds.
available for sale for: $2,700.--

"Totem4" (December 2007)
- bronze, 4" x 2" x 11" tall.
approximate weight:  4 pounds.
available for sale for: $2,300.--

"Cohesion" (2002)
- bronze, 9" x 3" x 12" tall
approximate weight:  4 pounds.
available for sale for: $2,100.--

"Cube-Volution-5" (June 2009)
- bronze, 6" x 6" x 6" tall.
approximate weight:  2 pounds.
available for sale for: $1,700.--

"Dodecahedral Volution" (October 2009)
- bronze, 6" x 5" x 5" tall.
approximate weight:  2 pounds.
available for sale for: $1,600.--

(A copy could be made within a few monts):

"Hyperbolic Hexagon II" (February 2009)
(together with Brent Collins and Steve Reinmuth)
- bronze, 30" x 11" x 45" tall.
approximate weight: bronze 100 pounds + stone base 80 pounds.
approximate price: -- (estimated around 18k$, 2-3 months)

"Solar Circle" or "Millennium Arch" (November 2007)
(together with Brent Collins)
- polyester/glassfiber, 120" x 24" x 120" diameter.
Mold exists: -- could be done in polyester/glassfiber or in bronze
approximate price:-- (estimated around 40k$, 4-6 months)



I would like to make a new version of the "Figure-8 Knot" (shown above):
- bronze, -- perhaps about 18" tall, but with a more slender ribbon.
This would take about 6 months, and would cost about $4,500.--

"Minimal Monkey-Saddle Trefoil" based on: "Annual EuroGraphics Awards"
This design was made specifically for the Euro-graphics conference award trophy.
It is not for sale in this particular form.

But a similar piece could be made. probably with a different pedestal:
- bronze, 6" x 3" x 8" tall;  approximate weight: 4 pounds.
This would take about 6 months and would cost about $1'800.--

Another plan for a new large sculpture is based on "Scherk-Tower" (shown above)
It might be about 15 feet tall, standing in a reflecting pool, with water running from the top
over its twisted side walls and dripping from story to story down into the pool.
(Diameter of pond should be about equal to height of sculpture.)
I think this project would take at least 9 months;
I don't have a good estimate on price at this early conceptual stage.
(It could be made from different materials.)

I am also prepared to work with individual clients to create a custom-designed piece of mathematical art.