This is the design documentation folder for the Scherk-Tower stone sculpture. Shown are pictures of the original, computer-designed, virtual tower shape, as well as photos of the tower Mmodel made on the FDM rapid prototyping machine. The model is made at 1/8 (one eighth) of the final intended sculpture size. Since it might be difficult or tedious to take measurements directly from this model, the QuickSlice files that were used to fabricate this model are also included. Included in this folder are an executable of the QuickSlice program and its associated libraries. This program should run on an older Windows computer (NT or XP). To see the 3D model described by the .STL files, simply drag the file "SculptureF11d.stl.gz" onto the shortcut "qs.bat". To see individual horizontal slices through the model, taken every 10mils (0.01 inches), drag the file "SculptureF11d.ssl.gz" onto the shortcut "qs.bat". In the final sculpture this would correspond to slices taken every 80mils (about 2mm). It might be convenient to take measurements off these slicing contours displayed on a computer screen. --------- Carlo Sequin, November 5, 2011.