Lecture #2 for CS
Wednesday 3/16, 2005 -- 12:40-2:00pm, -- 203 McLaughlin
Differential Geometry of Curves
Chapter 5 in "Geometric Modeling" by Michael E. Mortenson, John Wiley &Sons, 1985
"Analysis" of Curves (as compared to "Design" or "Data Fitting")
Intrinsic Curve Properties -- defined at each local point on the
- - Vectors: Tangent, Normal, Binormal;
- - Planes: Osculating, Normal, Rectifying;
- - Scalars: Curvature, Torsion.
Extrinsic Curve Properties -- overall, global values
- - Arc-length;
- - Planarity, Linearity;
- - Closedness, Turning Number, Knot Type;
- - Highest polynomial degree, lowest continuity type, # of inflection
Construction of the Frenet
Frame (Ref. frame for intrinsic properties)
Finding the Tangent: -- p' -- velocity vector -- normalize ...
Acceleration: -- p" -- change of velocity vector: 2 components (true acceleration, turning) ...
Normal Plane: -- normal to tangent vector.
Osculating Plane: -- containing osculating circle = the one that best (locally) fits the curve.
Normal vector: -- indicates direction in which curve bends.
Binormal: -- axis around which Frenet frame turns.
Difference between Normal and second derivative ...
The three coordinate planes and their relations to the 3 vectors ...
What is Curvature ? -- rate of rotation around b (1/r of the osculating
What is Torsion ? -- rate of rotation of osculating plane (around tangent)
Inflection points -- where curvature = 0.
Which unit vectors serve as local rotation axis ? (==> see above)
Which unit vectors could best serve as graphical indicators (along curve)?
-- for curvature: use -n; {n would crowd the inside of the bend} ==> "hedgehog" curves.
-- for torsion: use b; { allows both signs; t would crowd the tangent vector}
Given: curvature as a function of arc-length, -- does this define the shape
of a curve ?
Derivatives of Splines
"Interactive Curves and Surfaces," (with Multimedia Tutorial on CAGD),
A. Rockwood and P. Chambers, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Inc.
Introduction to Subdivision
Different from curve-subdivision based on DeCasteljau's algorithm.
Review of the DeCasteljau construction algorithm.
Main idea: stepwise, iterative refinement: (e.g., double the number
of line segments in every generation).
-- "Cutting of Corners" (start from a quadrilateral piece
of paper) -- (see: Chaikin's
-- "Segment Breaking" (start with a triangular loop of
cardboard) -- (good & bad properties ?)
Interpolating mid-segment subdivisions
-- Find new mid-points for each linear segment
-- properly bulging out to lie on curve implied by nearest neighbors;
-- new points, once placed, stay in same location forever.
How should we do this interpolation ?:
Linear interpolation (is this useful ?)
Add a random disturbance (what
is this good for?)
- To make a smooth curve, we should try a quadratic interpolant (what is the difficulty?)
Do one on the left and one on the right and average (what is the
a cubic interpolant (what are the needed weights?)
interpolants (what guarantees can we make?)
Wish-list for a good subdivision scheme:
-- Find final points, derivatives, tangents, normals ... without
needing to do an infinite number of iteration steps.
-- How can this be made possible ? (Remember convergent series
of numbers: e.g., 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + ... + 1/2n + ... = ?)
-- Use a "stationary" scheme: The linear transformation applied
to the vertices is the same in all generations.
An Approximating Curve Subdivision Scheme
-- Algorithm
based on cubic B-Splines
Surface Subdivision Schemes (Two-Manifolds)
The four most useful
-- Catmull Clark
-- Doo Sabin
-- Loop's Triangle Subdivision
-- Zorin's Interpolating Triangle Subdivision
E. Catmull
and J. Clark: "Recursively
generated B-spline surfaces on arbitrary topological surfaces," Computer-Aided Design 10(6): 350-355, Nov.
D. Doo and M. Sabin: "Behaviour of recursive division surfaces near extraordinary points," Computer-Aided Design 10(6): 356-360, Nov. 1978.
C. Loop: "Smooth Subdivision Surfaces Based on Triangles" MS Thesis, (Chapters 3 and 5), Univ. of Utah 1987.
(Textbook site: J. Warren and H. Weimer: "Subdivision Methods for Geometric Design," Morgan Kaufman 2002.
Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin