Part Description and Specifications for
"Heptagonal Toroid"

This is a toroidal ring of seven 4th order saddles. It is the latest collaborative sculpture between Brent Collins and Carlo Séquin.

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This part was generated with Carlo Séquin's sculpture generator, using the following settings:


This part will serve as a geometrical scale model for a sculpture that I am jointly developing with Brent Collins, a wood sculptor living in Gower, Missouri. It might get exhibited together with its corresponding wood sculpture in an exhibit at the of June 1997.

This experiment is also part of a research program sponsored by NSF to streamline the process of rapid prototyping of free form parts, by defining a clean interface between designers and fabricators.

Fabrication Hints

The scale or strength of this model is not critical; it can be scaled so as to fit optimally a particular process or some remaining space in a run of a larger piece. The STL files describe a part with a diameter (in x) of 67,000 units and a thickness (in y) of 24,000 units. The surface walls are 1000 units thick. Ideally we would like a part several inches in diameter. This could be achieved by interpreting each unit to mean 0.1 mils.

Orientation is not critical either. However, for a layered manufacturing process (SLA, SLS, etc), it might be best to turn the object 90 degrees around the x-axis, thereby giving the part minimal height, and preserving its 3-fold symmetry ideally.

Part Description Files:

Compressed Berkeley UniGrafix description of Heptagonal Toroid (

Compressed ASCII .STL file: heptoroid.stl.gz (0.58MB)

Large compressed files can be downloaded from our anonymous FTP site with:
ftp {login as "anonymous"; use your full e-mail address as password.}
Then change directory: cd ucb/projects/unigrafix/STL
Fetch desired files: get heptoroid.stl.gz
The heptoroid.stl.gz file can be uncompressed with gunzip.

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin