Part Description and Specifications for

This is a scale model of an 8-foot sculpture to be cast in bronze. It was designed in collaboration between Carlo H. Séquin and Brent Collins using Séquin's Sculpture Generator.

It is a toroidal loop with twelve 4th-order saddles.

FILE ==> bigring.stl.gz

Fabrication Hints

The outer diameter of the structure as described is 14 units (inches). It would be nice to have a model that size, but it may be scaled down to fit comfortably into an SFF apparatus. However, the model should be at least 9 inches in diameter to serve its purpose.

The obvious orientation for SFF fabrication is to lay it flat on its side by turning it 90 degrees around the x-axis, thereby giving the part minimal height, and preserving its radial symmetry ideally.

The program that generated this part description, created it in 12 separate segments. Due to rounding errors, vertices at the junctions may be off by one unit in the least significant digit. In the .STL file describing this part, the vertices from different surfaces have not been merged (yet); so this requires slicing software that does not get upset when shared vertices appear separated by one unit in the last digit.

Part Description Files:

Compressed ASCII .STL file: bigring.stl.gz

The compressed file can be downloaded from our anonymous FTP site with:
ftp {login as "anonymous"; use your full e-mail address as password.}
Then change directory: cd ucb/projects/unigrafix/STL
Fetch desired files: get bigring.stl.gz
The bigring.stl.gz file can be uncompressed with gunzip.

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin