At MOSAIC_2000
in Seattle, WA
Brent Collins unveiled a bronce cast of this sculpture,
cast, finished, and patina'ed by Steve
Reinmuth, Springfield, OR.
In Fall 2000, John Sullivan
at the University of Illinois
captured a geometrical description of the edges of this sculpture
and ran it through Ken
Brakke's "Surface Evolver"
to create a minimal surface between these edges.
He then sent me an
STL description of the result.
This STL file was then brought into our SLIDE modeling environment
developed by Jordan
Smith as part of his graduate work at U.C.Berkeley.
I then used SLIDE's subdivision
surface facilities (also be J. Smith) to turn
the triangle mesh into a finely tessellated surface with nice round edges.
The resulting computer simulation is saved as a new STL file.
The refined STL file is sent to our FDM
in the CyberCut/CyberBuild
lab U.C.Berkeley.
After a run of several days, using a translucent red material,
the main body of "Atomic Flower II" reemerges.
I also make a conical stand in black on the FDM machine.