Part Description and Specifications for
"Figure-8 Knot"

This is the geometrical model of a future sculpture. It was designed by Carlo Séquin with the SLIDE environment.

(The generator files are in SLIDE_programs/SWEEP).

Front: Side: Top:

In these .STL files the swept curve and the base are separate parts that interpenetrate. No boolean union operation has been performed to fuse the B-reps. Thus this needs software that does not get upset when slice contours intersect, and which hopefully performs a decent union operation following the winding number paradigm.

Part Description Files:

Compressed ASCII .STL file: Fig8Knot.stl.gz

The compressed file can be downloaded from our anonymous FTP site with:
ftp {login as "anonymous"; use your full e-mail address as password.}
Then change directory: cd ucb/projects/unigrafix/SHEBA
Set mode: binary
Fetch desired files: get FILE.stl.gz
The FILE.stl.gz file can be uncompressed with gunzip.

Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin