CS 301 -- GSI Practicum
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Friday, September 30, 2005, 2:10pm-3:30pm,
in 320 Soda Hall.
Sharing your GSI experiences:
Discussion of isues that came up in your sessions.
Guest Lecture by Dan Garcia
Dan also suggests reading: "Confessions of an Engineering Washout"
Remaining Questions on Videotaping ( Pushkar Joshi )
Forming the Teams of Three
Form teams of three. These teams will jointly attend and tape 3 discussion sessions -- one each of each member of the team.
During thse recordings they will cyclically rotate through three functions: -- GSI / Session teacher -- Camera Operator / Taper -- Note taker / Scribe.
All videotaping has to occur in the next three weeks -- before October 15.
All groups must meet among themselves within 5 days after recording a video, discuss that particular session and fill out a Post-observation Goal Sheet.
Hand in those Goal Sheets as soon as possible, but definitely before October 21.
At a later time, each team will make a summary presentation for Pushkar and/or Carlo. ( 3 tapes, 10-15 min. each).
Form Teams of 3 before Tuesday 9/27/05
Forms (mentioned above):
Description of the Videotaping Program
Pre-videotaping Checklist for Consultants
Post-videotaping Checklist for Consultants
Post-videotaping Goal Setting
Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin