CS 301 -- GSI Practicum
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Friday, November 4, 2005, 2:10pm-3:30pm,
in 405 Soda Hall
Last Formal Meeting !
Sharing your GSI experiences:
Discussion of isues that came up in your e-journals:
- Complaints and re-grading exams
- Slow progress in gaining understanding
(see also news group)
Samples from your Videotaping Sessions
-- and what you learned from it.
CS 301 course survey and feedback on various course segments.
Wrap-up of CS 301 -- Where do you go from here ?
How to become an even better teacher:
- Reflect on your teaching activities (e.g., through writing a journal);
- Talk with other (experienced) teachers about the issues that you encounter;
- Read relevant books (e.g., "Tools for Teaching" by
Barbara Gross Davis );
- Ask for feedback -- and take it seriously (e.g., survey forms).
The formal Friday meeting series ends here,
-- but I will be around until early December if your have questions or issues.
Also, I hope that you have made some permanent friends in this course
whom you can call upon for support.
Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin