Lecture #7 -- Oct. 13, 2000.
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More on Advanced Modes of QuickSlice
- Review of your latest designs.
- The semantic model of SSL.
-- Your insights on how the orientation, nesting, coloring of SSL contours
affects the road-fill pattern.
Course overview
- 2 weeks of introduction to SFF and part design (using symmetry ...)
- 4 weeks of exposure to the FDM machine and QuickSlice (getting ever deeper into SSL ...)
==> You should now be able to make almost any conceivable feasible part on the FDM machine.
- - Plan to do one really nifty part that will serve as a show-piece for you and for 294-3.
- 3-4 weeks of rapid prototyping by machining (3-axis milling, WebCAD, CyberCut ...)
- 2-3 weeks of hands-on experience with another SFF machine (3D printing, perhaps wax deposition ...)
- - You will do a second sophisiticated "project" part.
NC Machining -- 3-Axis Milling
The Physical / Engineering View
- The sweep of the tool removes material from the stock.
- The sweep of the machine spindle and the tool assembly
(i.e. cutting tool and tool holder)
must not interfere with the current part geometry.
- The sweep of the tool and its holder must not interfere
with the fixturing devices.
- The milling task should be accomplished with a minimum number
of re-fixturing of the part and of tool changes.
- The tool must be guided along a geometrical path
so that it removes material only with its cutting edges.
- The tool must be guided in time so that
it removes material only at an acceptable rate per unit time.
- All this takes a considerable amount of planning !
----- done till here ------
- Decompose volume to be removed into simpler geometrical entities;
- Determine a good sequencing of the operations that will minimize re-fixturing;
- Determine a good grouping of setups and tools that will minimize tool changes.
- Find a strategy to remove these simpler volumes with complicated sweeps of one or more different cutting tools;
- Avoid tool collisions between features (volumes to be removed) and fixtures;
- Select appropriate parameters for table motion speed (feeds) and
spindle rotation speed (cutting speed).
"Tool-path Planning"
- Motion planning for the individual paths;
- Generates the actual code that will be fed to the machine tool.
Abstracted, Conceptual View of Milling
Just specify the individual volumes that need to be removed;
- - - taking into consideration the geometrical obstructions.
- Web Designer's Simplified View:
- - Only one basic operation: removal of pockets of constant depth;
- - (Drilling a cylindrical hole is a particularly simple pocket.)
- Limiting Factors:
- - Sharpness of inside corner radii;
- - Depth of holes -- as afunction of diameter;
- - Depth of pockets -- as a function of smallest dimensions;
- - Proximities of holes and pockets;
- - Proximity of holes and pockets to stock boundaries.
Homework Assignment:
POSTPONED: Make a thin-walled part
The software is not really ready -- we will do this later when it makes more sense.
- Test the emerging voronoi-based contour software by Jordan Smith
by trying to make a thin-walled part.
A#7: Thinking about Part Designs:
- Start planning a part that that you would like to make next week with WebCAD and 3-axis milling.
- Start thinking about a "show-off" FDM that will demonstrate your mastery of the FDM machine.
Some ideas that come to mind, stimulated by work that some of you have done recently:
- - A complex regular polyhedral framework, possibly a projection of a 4-D regular polytope (Hairong).
- - A large threaded bolt with matching nut or sleeve, both executed as thinwalled parts using booleans (Tien).
- - A drinking mug or teapot in the topology of a Klein-bottle (Jane).
Hopefully these examples will trigger further creative thoughts.
Hand in: NOTHING !
You did such a thorough job this last week, that I can easily count your SSL analysis and your Boolean breaking tests as two separate homeworks, so you can recover/relax this week.
Of course, if you feel like making a rough sketch or two about your design ideas, and want to talk to me about them, you are more than welcome to do so.
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Page Editor:
Carlo H. Séquin