Design/Modeling/Prototyping Process
Introduction to SLIDE and Tcl
Interactive Parametric Procedural Design: Sculpture Generator 1
Generalized Sweeps
3D Symmetry Groups
Representations for Solid Modeling
Data Structures for CAD/Graphics Systems
Layered Manufacturing
Curless and Levoy: "A Volumetric Method for
Building Complex Models"
Lorensen and Klein: "Marching Cubes: A
High-Resolution 3D Surface Construction Algorithm"
Triangulation and Tetrahedralization (Jonathan Shewchuk)
Shimida and Gossard: “Automatic Triangular Meshing of Non-Manifold Geometry by
Sphere Packing.”
Frisken "Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields"
et al.: “Digital Bas-Relief from 3D Scenes”
Sederberg and Parry: "Free-Form Deformation of
Solid Geometry Models"
“Designing Free-form Surfaces with 3D Curves”
Fisher et
al.: “Design of Tangent Vector Fields”
Fractals and Fractal Landscapes
"An Introduction to Lindemayer Systems"
(+ Work
by P. Prusinkiewicz)
Xu and
Kaplan: “Image-Guided Maze Construction”
Sims: "Evolving Virtual Creatures"
Genetic Algorithms in Engineering
Parish and Mueller: "Procedural Modeling of
Desbrun and Gascuel: "Animating Soft Substances
with Implicit Surfaces"
Wei and Levoy: "Texture Synthesis over Arbitrary
Manifold Surfaces"
Procedural Surface Optimization
Comparison of Rapid Prototyping Methods for Layered Manufacturing
McMains, Smith, Wang, and Séquin, "Layered
Manufacturing of Thin-Walled Parts."