Terminals which are not used: tokCONST_CHAR tokCONST_STRING Grammar rule 1 lump_set -> lump_set_start non_empty_lump_list rule 2 lump_set_start -> /* empty */ rule 3 non_empty_lump_list -> lump rule 4 non_empty_lump_list -> non_empty_lump_list lump rule 5 lump -> lump_start lump_middle end_solid ident_list rule 6 lump_start -> rwSOLID ident_list rule 7 lump_middle -> /* empty */ rule 8 lump_middle -> lump_middle triangle rule 9 triangle -> triangle_start triangle_middle end_loop end_facet rule 10 triangle_start -> rwFACET normal rwOUTER rwLOOP rule 11 triangle_middle -> vertex vertex vertex rule 12 normal -> rwNORMAL value value value rule 13 vertex -> rwVERTEX value value value rule 14 value -> tokCONST_FLOAT rule 15 value -> tokCONST_INT rule 16 end_loop -> rwENDLOOP rule 17 end_loop -> rwEND rwLOOP rule 18 end_facet -> rwENDFACET rule 19 end_facet -> rwEND rwFACET rule 20 end_solid -> rwENDSOLID rule 21 end_solid -> rwEND rwSOLID rule 22 ident_list -> /* empty */ rule 23 ident_list -> ident_list tokIDENTIFIER Terminals, with rules where they appear $ (-1) error (256) rwSOLID (258) 6 21 rwFACET (259) 10 19 rwNORMAL (260) 12 rwOUTER (261) 10 rwLOOP (262) 10 17 rwVERTEX (263) 13 rwENDLOOP (264) 16 rwENDFACET (265) 18 rwENDSOLID (266) 20 rwEND (267) 17 19 21 tokCONST_CHAR (268) tokCONST_INT (269) 15 tokCONST_FLOAT (270) 14 tokCONST_STRING (271) tokIDENTIFIER (272) 23 Nonterminals, with rules where they appear lump_set (18) on left: 1 lump_set_start (19) on left: 2, on right: 1 non_empty_lump_list (20) on left: 3 4, on right: 1 4 lump (21) on left: 5, on right: 3 4 lump_start (22) on left: 6, on right: 5 lump_middle (23) on left: 7 8, on right: 5 8 triangle (24) on left: 9, on right: 8 triangle_start (25) on left: 10, on right: 9 triangle_middle (26) on left: 11, on right: 9 normal (27) on left: 12, on right: 10 vertex (28) on left: 13, on right: 11 value (29) on left: 14 15, on right: 12 13 end_loop (30) on left: 16 17, on right: 9 end_facet (31) on left: 18 19, on right: 9 end_solid (32) on left: 20 21, on right: 5 ident_list (33) on left: 22 23, on right: 5 6 23 state 0 $default reduce using rule 2 (lump_set_start) lump_set go to state 43 lump_set_start go to state 1 state 1 lump_set -> lump_set_start . non_empty_lump_list (rule 1) rwSOLID shift, and go to state 2 non_empty_lump_list go to state 3 lump go to state 4 lump_start go to state 5 state 2 lump_start -> rwSOLID . ident_list (rule 6) $default reduce using rule 22 (ident_list) ident_list go to state 6 state 3 lump_set -> lump_set_start non_empty_lump_list . (rule 1) non_empty_lump_list -> non_empty_lump_list . lump (rule 4) rwSOLID shift, and go to state 2 $default reduce using rule 1 (lump_set) lump go to state 7 lump_start go to state 5 state 4 non_empty_lump_list -> lump . (rule 3) $default reduce using rule 3 (non_empty_lump_list) state 5 lump -> lump_start . lump_middle end_solid ident_list (rule 5) $default reduce using rule 7 (lump_middle) lump_middle go to state 8 state 6 lump_start -> rwSOLID ident_list . (rule 6) ident_list -> ident_list . tokIDENTIFIER (rule 23) tokIDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 9 $default reduce using rule 6 (lump_start) state 7 non_empty_lump_list -> non_empty_lump_list lump . (rule 4) $default reduce using rule 4 (non_empty_lump_list) state 8 lump -> lump_start lump_middle . end_solid ident_list (rule 5) lump_middle -> lump_middle . triangle (rule 8) rwFACET shift, and go to state 10 rwENDSOLID shift, and go to state 11 rwEND shift, and go to state 12 triangle go to state 13 triangle_start go to state 14 end_solid go to state 15 state 9 ident_list -> ident_list tokIDENTIFIER . (rule 23) $default reduce using rule 23 (ident_list) state 10 triangle_start -> rwFACET . normal rwOUTER rwLOOP (rule 10) rwNORMAL shift, and go to state 16 normal go to state 17 state 11 end_solid -> rwENDSOLID . (rule 20) $default reduce using rule 20 (end_solid) state 12 end_solid -> rwEND . rwSOLID (rule 21) rwSOLID shift, and go to state 18 state 13 lump_middle -> lump_middle triangle . (rule 8) $default reduce using rule 8 (lump_middle) state 14 triangle -> triangle_start . triangle_middle end_loop end_facet (rule 9) rwVERTEX shift, and go to state 19 triangle_middle go to state 20 vertex go to state 21 state 15 lump -> lump_start lump_middle end_solid . ident_list (rule 5) $default reduce using rule 22 (ident_list) ident_list go to state 22 state 16 normal -> rwNORMAL . value value value (rule 12) tokCONST_INT shift, and go to state 23 tokCONST_FLOAT shift, and go to state 24 value go to state 25 state 17 triangle_start -> rwFACET normal . rwOUTER rwLOOP (rule 10) rwOUTER shift, and go to state 26 state 18 end_solid -> rwEND rwSOLID . (rule 21) $default reduce using rule 21 (end_solid) state 19 vertex -> rwVERTEX . value value value (rule 13) tokCONST_INT shift, and go to state 23 tokCONST_FLOAT shift, and go to state 24 value go to state 27 state 20 triangle -> triangle_start triangle_middle . end_loop end_facet (rule 9) rwENDLOOP shift, and go to state 28 rwEND shift, and go to state 29 end_loop go to state 30 state 21 triangle_middle -> vertex . vertex vertex (rule 11) rwVERTEX shift, and go to state 19 vertex go to state 31 state 22 lump -> lump_start lump_middle end_solid ident_list . (rule 5) ident_list -> ident_list . tokIDENTIFIER (rule 23) tokIDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 9 $default reduce using rule 5 (lump) state 23 value -> tokCONST_INT . (rule 15) $default reduce using rule 15 (value) state 24 value -> tokCONST_FLOAT . (rule 14) $default reduce using rule 14 (value) state 25 normal -> rwNORMAL value . value value (rule 12) tokCONST_INT shift, and go to state 23 tokCONST_FLOAT shift, and go to state 24 value go to state 32 state 26 triangle_start -> rwFACET normal rwOUTER . rwLOOP (rule 10) rwLOOP shift, and go to state 33 state 27 vertex -> rwVERTEX value . value value (rule 13) tokCONST_INT shift, and go to state 23 tokCONST_FLOAT shift, and go to state 24 value go to state 34 state 28 end_loop -> rwENDLOOP . (rule 16) $default reduce using rule 16 (end_loop) state 29 end_loop -> rwEND . rwLOOP (rule 17) rwLOOP shift, and go to state 35 state 30 triangle -> triangle_start triangle_middle end_loop . end_facet (rule 9) rwENDFACET shift, and go to state 36 rwEND shift, and go to state 37 end_facet go to state 38 state 31 triangle_middle -> vertex vertex . vertex (rule 11) rwVERTEX shift, and go to state 19 vertex go to state 39 state 32 normal -> rwNORMAL value value . value (rule 12) tokCONST_INT shift, and go to state 23 tokCONST_FLOAT shift, and go to state 24 value go to state 40 state 33 triangle_start -> rwFACET normal rwOUTER rwLOOP . (rule 10) $default reduce using rule 10 (triangle_start) state 34 vertex -> rwVERTEX value value . value (rule 13) tokCONST_INT shift, and go to state 23 tokCONST_FLOAT shift, and go to state 24 value go to state 41 state 35 end_loop -> rwEND rwLOOP . (rule 17) $default reduce using rule 17 (end_loop) state 36 end_facet -> rwENDFACET . (rule 18) $default reduce using rule 18 (end_facet) state 37 end_facet -> rwEND . rwFACET (rule 19) rwFACET shift, and go to state 42 state 38 triangle -> triangle_start triangle_middle end_loop end_facet . (rule 9) $default reduce using rule 9 (triangle) state 39 triangle_middle -> vertex vertex vertex . (rule 11) $default reduce using rule 11 (triangle_middle) state 40 normal -> rwNORMAL value value value . (rule 12) $default reduce using rule 12 (normal) state 41 vertex -> rwVERTEX value value value . (rule 13) $default reduce using rule 13 (vertex) state 42 end_facet -> rwEND rwFACET . (rule 19) $default reduce using rule 19 (end_facet) state 43 $ go to state 44 state 44 $ go to state 45 state 45 $default accept