Procedural Design and Prototyping of a Rolling Ball Maze
Athulan Vijayaraghavan and Adarsh Krishnamurthy

Project Summary

We procedurally design and prototype a three-dimensional rolling ball maze. This is a variant of a conventional 2D rolling ball maze by mapping the maze onto the faces of a cube. An algorithm was implemented in MATLAB to create the three-dimensional maze, and was based on the recursive backtracker algorithm. The maze data was exported to the ACIS kernel where a solid model was created using the maze paths from the algorithm. Finally, the faces of the model were independently prototyped on a STRATASYS 1650 Fused Deposition Machine and assembled to create the functional rolling ball maze.


Introduction and Motivation
Procedural Design
Generating the Maze
Solid Model Creation
Prototyping using Fused Deposition Modeling
Design for Manufacturing
Related Work and Bibliography

1 Introduction and Motivation

Procedural methods are very useful in the design and manufacture of parts with a high degree of complexity. Procedural design involves applying a sequence of parameterized steps to realize the fully designed part. These methods are especially useful if the part design is cumbersome and labor intensive. In this project, we procedurally design a 3D rolling ball maze. A rolling ball maze is a puzzle-based game, where the objective is to move a spherical ball through a 2D maze. The maze is adequately complex so that the game engages the player. In our 3D rolling ball maze, a continuous, integrated maze is mapped on to the faces of a cube. The objective remains the same, the player moves (or rolls) a spherical metal ball from a designated "start" position in the maze to an "end" position. The 3D maze is more challenging as the maze wraps around the faces multiple times. In addition, the player cannot see the entire maze at any point of time further increasing the complexity of the maze. The motivation of this work was to apply procedural methods to design an engaging (and entertaining) device. The final output of this work was a fully functional, three-dimensional rolling ball maze. The next section describes the actual steps in the design and prototyping process.

2 Procedural Design

The maze is designed and prototyped in a sequence of three steps (Figure 2.1). In the first step, the maze is logically generated and stored in an appropriate data structure. This data is then read and converted to a solid model in a CAD environment. Finally, the CAD model is prototyped in a rapid-prototyping machine. The requirements for each of the procedural steps are as follows:

  1. Generate Maze - The generated maze must be significantly complex and should have a non-trivial solution. The maze must use the 3D features of the cube, that is, maze-paths must pass over multiple faces, to make it significantly complex to solve.
  2. Develop 3D Model - The 3D model must be created without a significant loss of detail. The 3D model should contain all the features of the generated maze. The model should also be watertight, so that it can be prototyped without modification.
  3. Create Physical Prototype - The physical prototype should capture all the information in the 3D model, and has to be an accurate realization of the generated maze. The prototype should also be of an acceptable size so the maze is ergonomic and "playable."

Figure 2.1: Procedural Design Path
3 Generating the Maze

Several algorithms to create 2D mazes have been described in the literature [Pullen, 2006]. These algorithms create mazes either by drawing walls or by breaking walls. In the former case, a "blank" maze is taken and walls are selectively placed to create paths. In the latter case, a "full" maze with all cells enclosed by walls is taken and the walls are selectively removed to create paths. The generated mazes are usually rectangular, and their edges do not wrap. However, to create a 3D maze, we need a non-rectangular maze with connected edges. We have modified a standard 2D maze algorithm - called the Recursive Backtracker - to create a 3D "wrapped" maze.

Choosing the Maze Algorithm

We first tried implementing the Kruskal Algorithm to create the 2D maze. This algorithm - while creating a complex maze - did not create a sufficiently non-trivial maze. The maze was very "stubby" and it was easy to find a solution for a path through the maze. Figure 3.1 shows the output from Kruskal's algorithm for a 10x10 maze. Notice the large number of short, stubby maze segments.

Figure 3.1: Maze output from Kruskal's Algorithm

The Recursive Backtracker (RB) algorithm was selected due its superiority in generating long "rivers." Rivers - in mazes - denote the continuous paths that can be traced in a maze. The RB algorithm generates mazes with the longest rivers [Pullen, 2006]. Moreover, we are trying to generate only "perfect mazes." In a perfect maze, there exists a path from any one cell to any other. This also implies that there are no ``islands'' in the maze, which isolate a region. Since the RB generates only "perfect" mazes, it satisfies this requirement as well.

The algorithm for the RB algorithm, which will generate a 2D non-wrapping maze, is as follows:

  1. Initialize NxN maze with all walls (there are a total of N*N cells and 2N(N+1) walls)
  2. Start at a random cell in the maze
  3. Initialize a stack and put the current cell on the top of the stack
  4. Select an unconnected, unvisited neighbor to the current cell, remove the wall between the cells and make the neighbor the new current cell
  5. Put the neighbor cell on top of the stack
  6. Continue until you have a cell on top of the stack that does not have any neighbors
  7. Pop this cell out of the stack and move to the next cell beneath
  8. Continue until you have no cells left in the stack.
A MATLAB script was written to implement this algorithm (this script can be found here). Figure 3.2 shows the output of this algorithm for a 20x20 maze.

Figure 3.2: Maze output from Recursive Backtracker Algorithm

Adaptation to 3D

Adapting this algorithm to 3D involves generating a list of neighbors for any arbitrary cell on the face of the maze, as well as finding the common edge between these two faces. This is easy in 2D as finding the neighbor and the common wall can be done using numerical manipulation of the wall and cell indices. This is not possible in 3D as there is no standard method for generating indices for the cells or the walls. Instead, a brute force technique is used to perform these two operations. A master list of all the cells in the maze is first generated, which also identifies the corner vertices of the cell in Cartesian coordinates. As we also need a way of tracking the walls that break to generate the maze, a second list of all the edges in the maze is generated. This edge information is stored by listing the vertices of the edges. To look for the neighbor and the common wall of the current cell, the edges of the current cell are searched against the edges of all the cells in the maze. The maze with the common edge is then identified as the neighbor. To "break" the common wall, the common edge is removed from the edge-list of the maze. Thus, the edge-list of the maze begins with a list of all the edges, but after the algorithm is complete, contains the list of active walls in the maze.

This modified algorithm was also implemented in MATLAB, and the script can be found here. Figure 3.3 shows the output of  this algorithm for a 9x9x9 maze.

Figure 3.3: 3D Maze Output from 3D Algorithm

4 Solid Model Creation

The next step in the procedural modeling of the maze cube was to generate the solid model of the cube from the output edge-list generated in MATLAB. We require the solid model to be watertight for ease of manufacturing.. Hence, the major requirement for choosing a solid modeling package is that it should handle Booleans effectively. ACIS, a solid modeling kernel is one such package. It has very good Boolean algorithms and it has the option to perform regularized Boolean operations as well. ACIS is a kernel, and its functions are accessed through C++ API function calls.

A program was written in C++ that takes in the input edges from the MATLAB output file and converts it into a solid model. Since all the edges are axis aligned, we move the two endpoints by half the final solid edge width in the respective directions. Thus, each edge is converted to a solid parallelepiped. Finally, a union of all these parallelepipeds is created to form the solid maze. This is shown in Figure 4.1. We also then add the six plates to form the base of each face of the maze. The C++ program for this is available here.

Figure 4.1: Solid Maze from ACIS

Once the maze is created, it is then saved as an ACIS SAT file, which is one a standard CAD file format. This SAT file is then read into SolidWorks for further procession which will be discussed in the next section.

5 Prototyping with Fused Deposition Modeling

Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) is a rapid prototyping technology that can be used to create thermoplastic parts from STL descriptions of solid models. We used a STRATASYS 1650 FDM machine for prototyping the rolling ball maze. The ACIS implementation discussed in the previous section produces a SAT file as output. Instead of directly converting this to the STL format for prototyping, we chose to post-process the solid model in SolidWorks. We did this because creating one full maze-cube will result in a waste of material as the interior; the interior of the maze is hollow and prototyping this will use up a lot of support.

Instead, we chose to slice the maze into the six faces in SolidWorks and then prototyped them individually. Following this, the maze was assembled by simply gluing the faces together. In the first implementation, we sliced the maze cube at 45-degree chamfers from the edges so that the joints of the assembly will coincide with the edges in the cube, making them appear seamless. Figure 5.1 shows the assembly of such faces. This method was not entirely successful as there were some small wall features at the edges of the individual faces that were being supported with very little base material. These wall features broke off during assembly resulting in an incomplete maze. Some of these features are shown in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.1: Assemble of Diagonally Cut Faces

Figure 5.2: Small Wall Features in Edges

In the next implementation, we choose to slice the faces into two large squares, two small squares and two rectangles. This method does expose a seam, but all the generated features are very stable during assembly. Figure 5.3 shows the exploded view of such an assembly.

Figure 5.4: Assembly of Cut Faces

To prototype these faces, they were laid flat in an assembly and the STL file of the entire assembly was created. It was then exported into QuickSlice and prototyped in the FDM machine. The unassembled faces from the FDM machine are shown in Figure 5.4.

Figure 5.4: Faces Laid in-plane in QuickSlice

Finally, using ABS glue the faces were assembled making sure that the maze lined up correctly. The fully assembled maze was placed into a specially chosen plastic shell that can easily be opened up. A hole was drilled into the plastic shell to denote the "end" of the maze puzzle.

6 Results

We chose the dimensions of the maze based on complexity, and availability of a plastic shell. We wanted enough cells to make the maze very complex, but it had to fit into a plastic shell so that it can actually be played without the ball falling out. We identified two plastic shells which were appropriate, one with a side-length of 2.88" and the other with a side-length of 3.88". We chose the 2.88" cube as it would take lesser time to prototype. The thickness of the walls was set equal to the width of the paths. Using a wall thickness (and path width) of 0.15", a 9x9x9 maze could be prototyped to fit into the 2.88" cube. The maze faces were placed into the plastic shell and a hole was drilled in one point in the shell to serve as an "end" to the puzzle. A  1/16" steel ball was introduced at a random location before the plastic shell was placed and the objective is to get the ball out of the maze. Having only an "end" position allows more flexibility in playability as new scenarios can be created simply by putting the cube in a different orientation in the shell.

The final, fully completed prototyped to these specifications can be seen in Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.1: Assembled Maze

7 Design for Manufacturing

The solid model that was developed in section 5 is valid only if the part is to be prototyped using rapid prototyping methods. However, if the maze cube has to mass manufactured using processes like  injection molding, certain additional steps have to be performed to make the model suitable for these operations. One of the basic changes that has to be included in solid modeling is the inclusion of draft angles to the model. Draft angles are essential to remove the part from the mold after the part cools down. Figure 7.1 shows a part of the maze with draft angles. However the figure shows an exaggerated draft angle for the purpose of visualization. In actual practice a draft angle of 1-2 degrees is enough.

Figure 7.1: Model with Draft Angles

Another issue that has to be taken care is the one with respect to the assembly of the maze. Since the maze can be assembled only in one way for proper integration of the faces, there should be some method for ensuring this particular configuration during assembly. To aid in the assembly process asymmetric pegs can be added in the maze parts so that they fit together in only one configuration. Figure 7.2 shows a possible design with these pegs.

Figure 7.2 Model with asymmetric pegs

8 Insights

This project employed several different programming and modeling packages to create the physical maze prototype. We created the logical maze in MATLAB, made it into a solid model with a C++ program using the ACIS kernel, created an assembly of faces from the solid model in SolidWorks and finally prototyped using QuickSlice. The quirks of all these packages had to be addressed, especially when the data generated from one package was being read in another. It would have been much quicker - especially for a full procedural algorithm - to have done this all in one package such as C++. The procedural pipeline was quite slow and there was plenty of room for error, especially in the physical dimensions. Although this was fine for a prototype, it would be beneficial to  move to a single package such as C++ (with ACIS support)  for large-scale implementations.

9 Bibliography

[Pullen, 2006] Walter D. Pullen, "Think Labyrinth: Maze Algorithms",, Accessed Feb - May 2006.
This website had excellent resources on different types of maze algorithms including the Recusrive Backtracker algorithms.