Lecture #17 -- Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2011

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Warm-up:  A Different Kind of Abstraction...

(Abstraction: Capturing the "essence" of something; identifying and enhancing characteristic traits ...)

For each of the first few capital characters of the alphabeth (A, B, C, D, E ),
design some large 3-dimensional shape that looks much like the depicted character,
when an observer is touring around that shape,
(i.e., walking in a big circle around the z-axis on the x-y-plane).

Paper Presentation by:  Youngwook Kwon

SA09:  Mehra et al: "Abstraction of Man-made Shapes"


Prepare for a presentation lasting about 20 minutes -- if there were no interruptions or questions.

Future Paper Presentations . . .

Turning your Final Course Project idea into a convincing proposal presentation:

Formal Project Proposal Presentation on Wed. 11/2/2011:

This should be a short (5 or 8 minutes for project teams of 1 or 2 students, respectively), formal, audio-visual presentation,
-- like for a "Venture Capitalist Rally" or for a "NSF Research Review Panel."
Key point is to convince your peers that your project makes sense in an academic R&D environment.

Clearly define:

Final write-up of your proposal for a Final Course Project

Before 2pm Monday, 10/31/2011, please e-mail me your proposal that you plan to present on Wednesday.

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin