Lecture #8 -- Mo, Feb. 14, 2000.

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Determine the symmetry of various objects around you.

Homework #3 -- Escher Ball Design

Review of the Symmetry Groups

Some fine books on symmetry and tilings: (You could of course spend many hours studying symmetry from these books.
But it is far more efficient on your time to think along in class;
this way you can absorb the essentials in a couple of hours.)

in 2D Space:

in 3D Space:

The symmetry of everyday objects (part 1 of Asmt#3).

Review of Various SFF Processes

More on Designing for FDM and QuickSlice

Key design concepts:

Fabricating your Parts -- Asmt #2B

First: Congratulations on your achievements !
You have created some neat designs and have made great progress.

Some things to note:

(I have obtained some files where the contours (SSL) had problems, but the roads (SML) looked fine.)

Later: -- Interfacing with Quickslice at the SSL-Level

We are building a new design / fabrication pathway to properly resolving boolean CSG operations
-- even for curved surfaces !

Current Homework Assignment:

A#3: Symmetry ! --> Design an "Escher-Ball

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