Lecture #25 -- Mo Apr. 24, 2000.

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  • Read the papers below and answer the stated questions.
    Submit your write-up either electronically before 9am, or in hard copy in class at 10:40am.

    Reducing the complexity of scanned meshes while maintaining the shape indicated by the data points as well as possible.

    Paper Presentations by Balaji Kannan and Satish Kumar

    Michael Garland and Paul Heckbert: "Surface Simplification Using Quadratic Error Metrics" SIGGRAPH'97

    Hugues Hoppe: "Progressive Meshes" SIGGRAPH'96

    How to read a paper if you do not have enough time.

    What this means:

    Assignment: READ the papers for the upcoming lectures and answer the stated questions

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    Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin