Lecture #22 -- We Apr. 12, 2000.

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  • Prepare your visuals and rehearse your talk.

    Project Proposal Presentations

  • Single person presentations: 4 minutes, + 2 min. for Q&A
  • Two person presentations: 6 minutes, + 3 min. for Q&A

    Discussion of Presentations

    What is different from the last series of presentations ?
    Why is this one more difficult ?

    Current Homework Assignment:

  • "Marching Cubes: A High Resolution 3D Surface Construction Algorithm" by W. Lorensen and H. Cline.
  • "Voxel Based Object Simplification" by T. He at al.
  • Due Monday, April 17.
    Here are the questions about these papers. Please answer each in a few sentences and submit your write-up
    either electronically before 9am, Mon. 4/17/00,
    or in hard copy in class at 10:40am, Mon. 4/17/00:

    Questions on paper by Lorensen ... on "Marching Cubes..."

    Questions on paper by He ... on "... Simplification"

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    Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin