Lecture #20 -- We Apr. 5, 2000.

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  • Design your "Recursive Torus"

    Creative Design (cont)

  • Discussion of the "Recursive Torus Designs"
  • Analyzing the creative process:

    Creating Computer Models from Surface Data

    Basic idea:
    -- Gather the 3D coordinates of surface points,
    -- Connect them into a water-tight mesh.

    A free utility to do that.

    One of the original approaches by Turk and Levoy

    Registring and integrating structured 2-manifold meshes.

    A modern, robust approach by Curless and Levoy

    Using a volumetric approach to the integration problem.
    Siggraph movie -- as an introduction.

    Current Homework Assignments:

    Refine and re-submit your Project Ideas -- Due Mon. 4/10/00, 10:40am
    earlier, electronic submission is even better.

    READ: Curless and Levoy: "A Volumetric Method for Building Complex Models from Range Images."

    Answer the following question in writing with one paragraph each, and hand in your write-up
    either electronically before 9am, Mon. 4/10/00,
    or in hard copy in class at 10:40am, Mon. 4/10/00,

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    Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin