Lecture #13 -- Mo Mar. 6, 2000.

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  • Build your bevel gear wheel generator
  • Pick a suitable base polyhedron and gear ratios
  • Think about how to hold the gears in the cluster

    How to use Tcl

  • Question and answer session with Jordan Smith
  • Discussion, sharing of useful insights
  • An example described by Jane Yen

    Implementing a Bevel Gear

  • The support structure for the beveled cogs
  • Width of the teeth
  • The bearing

    Design of a Gear Cluster

  • Determining the gear ratios for the 3-wheel case

    Support Base Design

  • Polyhedron to support the axles
  • "Bearings" for the wheels
  • Keeping the wheels on the axles
  • Other design issues ??

    Course Plan

    Progression of designs:
  • A#2: Free-form mugs and teapots -- few formal constraints
  • A#3: Escherball -- symmetry and water-tightness
  • A#4: Gear cluster -- matching parts, functionality, metric dimensions
    (Please hand in on time: hardcopy and functional, accessible pointers to your solutions web pages. At some point I will have to give you grades. Every assignment counts a little more heavily. Assignments are hard to judge when there is team work; I need your help. Please state on your hard-copy hand-in the percentage of the contributions of each of the two members -- {should add up to 100%}. Thanks.)

    What is ahead ?

  • A close look at data structures used in solid modeling
  • One more design exercise ? -- perhaps mechanisms ?
  • Course Project

    Course Project Ideas (cont)

    Emerging from gear-wheel assignment:

    General characteristic of the "ideal" course project:

    Build a capability that allows you to do something with realtive ease that was a pain before,
    -- and which is useful to others in the future.
    I.e., your project might create some CAD extension within the SLIDE environment,
    and deomonstrate the capabilities of that new tool with a nifty artifact that can be built with one of the SFF technologies.

    Current Homework Assignment:

    A#4: Gear Design -- (phase 2)

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    Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin