Lecture #11 -- Mo Feb. 28, 2000.

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  • READ: Handout on Gears
  • Experiment with gear demo program.

    Fabricating an Escher Ball

    Review the latest fabrication results.

  • Harlan + Balaji: Escherflower
  • Perry + Chris T.: Birdball
  • Chris S. + Satish: Fishball
  • Ben: Angelball

    Layered Manufacturing of Thin-Walled Parts

  • Questions about the paper ?
  • Hand-crafted solutions for the Escher Balls.

    Course Projects Derived from Assignment#2

  • Build a tool that makes it "really easy" to construct such Escher spheres for any of the seven truly 3D symmetry groups ( T, Th, Td, O, Oh, Y Yh ).
  • Disassemble an Escher ball into puzzle piezes that can be reassembled.
  • Map interlocking Escher tiling upon a hyperbolic surface (two-hole-torus (genus-2), genus-3 Klein surface, symmetrical genus-4 or genus-6 surfaces ).

    "Field trip" to see the FDM machine in action.

    Gear Design

  • Questions on gear design ?
  • Questions on gear generator ?
    -- how to make the wheel 3D.

    Design of a Gear Cluster

  • Conceptual introduction:
    -- gear lattice design.
    -- what tiling patterns do work ?
    -- when do gears lock-up ?
  • 3D gear cluster design
    -- choosing the proper base polyhedron
    -- determining the bevel angles
    -- determining the gear ratios
  • Bevel gear design
    -- what is the right plane to construct the involute in ?
    -- how does this look in the plane of the gear ?
    -- how to close off the gear.

    Current Homework Assignment:

    A#4: Gear Design -- (Phase 1)

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    Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin