Lecture #2 -- Mo, Jan. 23, 2006.
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Last Lecture:
- What is CS 285 all about ?
-- creating CAD models by using programs, exploiting symmetries, and other geometrical constraints/relationships.
- What is a Solid ?
-- has a well-defined surface; maintains the connectivity of
that surface with some cohesiveness ==> allows to be described with
a B-rep.
- What are the kinds of things that fit into CS285 ?
-- YES: scanned objects, machine parts, toys, sculptures,
snap-together parts, bone models, sea shells, tree trunks, math models,
and many more ...
-- NOT: clouds, water, fire, forests, rainbows ...
- What are the various steps in the Design Process
-- from an idea to a prototype ...
-- explore a couple of the initial steps in Assignment #1.
- The Creative Spark
(--> a personal mental image)
Where do you get your best ideas?
What can you do to enhance the creative flow?
Shockley's model of the "creativity pump" in the brain.
- Initial Sketch or Mock-up
(--> something that others can see)
How do you visualize, realize your ideas?
What materials may be useful to make conceptual models?
- Transformation into a CAD model
(--> something a computer can read)
How do you get those ideas into the computer?
==> Discussion of homework assignment.
- Implementation Concerns
(--> something a computer can "understand")
What do you need to do to turn that data into a solid model?
- Design Refinement
(--> something that can be physically realized)
Enter the concerns about fabrication.
- Rapid Prototyping
( something that can be built on a RP machine)
What are the possibilities?
Possible Course Projects
Design Something that Can Be Fabricated:
- Fancy casing for a wearable computer
- 3D visualization model of complex geometry
- Snap-together mechanism
- Build a CAD model to be explored by simulation:
- Strength / sound analysis on a mechanical part
- Manufacturability analysis of an injection mold
- Parameterized Objects (perhaps to be optimized by human judgment)
- Ornaments, Sculptures, Bells, ...
- Build Some Software Utility that acts as a stepping stone for other projects:
- Add a special "Warp-Module" to SLIDE
- Add a surface modification module to SLIDE, that can make perforated surfaces (with fancy cut-outs)
- Gear-wheel generator --> Gear box
- My Own Projects of Current Interest:
- Klein's Quartic surface
- Parameterized Bell
- 3D Penrose Tiles
- More suggestions will be given throughout the course …
- Approach me with your own ideas as soon as possible
Introduction to SLIDE
SLIDE originated as a toy rendering system for CS 184
- SLIDE lies between Mathematica / Matlab and traditional CAD tools (Solidworks, Autocad)
- It describes boundary representations (B-reps)
- Most numerical values can be substituted by expressions that are evaluated in each rendered frame.
- Offers interactive fine tuning of critical parameters via sliders
- It builds on OpenGl (for rendering) and Tcl (user interface, expression parsing)
- Main drawbacks:
- Not a properly maintained system.
- Tcl is a pain during the debugging process!
Escape hatch: Later in the course you may use whatever software modeling environment you are comfortable with.
Some SLIDE and Tcl Basics
Look in: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~sequin/CS285/CODE/
To get familiar with SLIDE, play with:
To see what can be done with Tcl, look at:
Install SLIDE on your own computer as quickly as possible.
General instructions how to do this can be found here: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~ug/slide/viewer/slide2004/README
More information for the Windows system are here: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~ug/slide/pipeline/assignments/instructions.shtml
Next Homework Assignment:
Install SLIDE, and explore some of the demo files above.
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Page Editor:
Carlo H. Séquin