Lecture #2 -- Mo, Jan. 23, 2006.

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Last Lecture:

The Design/Modeling/Prototyping Process

  1. The Creative Spark  (--> a personal mental image)
    Where do you get your best ideas?
    What can you do to enhance the creative flow?
    Shockley's model of the "creativity pump" in the brain.
  2. Initial Sketch or Mock-up  (--> something that others can see)
    How do you visualize, realize your ideas?
    What materials may be useful to make conceptual models?
  3. Transformation into a CAD model  (--> something a computer can read)
    How do you get those ideas into the computer?
    ==> Discussion of homework assignment.
  4. Implementation Concerns  (--> something a computer can "understand")
    What do you need to do to turn that data into a solid model?
  5. Design Refinement  (--> something that can be physically realized)
    Enter the concerns about fabrication.
  6. Rapid Prototyping  ( something that can be built on a RP machine)
    What are the possibilities?

Possible Course Projects

Introduction to SLIDE

Escape hatch: Later in the course you may use whatever software modeling environment you are comfortable with.

Some SLIDE and Tcl Basics

Look in:  http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~sequin/CS285/CODE/

To get familiar with SLIDE, play with:

To see what can be done with Tcl, look at:


Install SLIDE on your own computer as quickly as possible.

General instructions how to do this can be found here: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~ug/slide/viewer/slide2004/README
More information for the Windows system are here: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~ug/slide/pipeline/assignments/instructions.shtml

Next Homework Assignment:

Install SLIDE, and explore some of the demo files above.

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