Lecture #4 -- Mo, Feb. 4, 2002.

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Think about the strength and weaknesses of various geometry representations that you know for the following task domains:

Demonstration of Various Sample SLIDE Programs

A) Design-Level Representations

How to convert between these different representations ?

If you could have only ONE of the above paradigms -- which one would you choose ?

B) Data Structures for Solid Modeling

Which is the right one for what purpose ?

C) Interchange Formats for Fabrication

=== We will do this at a later time, after I have told you something about fabrication ===

Comparison of various formats

Current Homework Assignments:

A#2: Introduction to SLIDE -- DUE: Tuesday, Feb. 5, 6am. (by e-mail)

Next Homework Assignments:

A#3: Concrete Design Plans -- DUE: Monday, Feb. 11, 9:10am. (in class)

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