CS 285: SOLID MODELING, Fall 2011
Discussion of Assignment #8
How One Might Capture the Specific Puzzle Shown:
Capture the geometry with a 3D scanner:
-- This needs a scanner, as well as access to the physical parts.
Reconstruct the geometry from photographs:
-- This requires images taken from more than one direction.
Apply the "Modelling with Blocks" technique:
-- A good approach, if one has access to that software;
-- it is rather general and thus more cumbersome than needed for this task.
Use a voxel-based construction technique:
-- Seems worthwhile to develop some special purpose CAD tool
that allows to eliminated or add cells from a small regular array of cells (=voxels).
-- User Interface: Simply delete any cell that is being clicked on,
and also add a new cell onto a face of an exisiting cell that is being CTRL-clicked on.
How One Might Create New Voxel-based Cube Dissection Puzzles:
Manually identify a contiguous set of cells that can be removed from the cube.
After a cohesive part has been removed, identify and remove another cohesive part.
Continue until a reasonable number of parts has been created.
Try to define an automated procedure to carry out the above process:
-- what are the constraints that need to be imposed?
-- what are some parameters that might control the "flavor" of the resulting puzzle?
So far we have only considered removing one part at a time,
i.e., in every move we have TWO rigid solids that slide apart from each other.
-- Are there configurations where you need to move three or more rigid pieces simultaneously
in order to take a puzzle apart?
==> Sculptures by Rinus Roelofs:
==> Jack Snoeyink:"Objects that cannot be taken apart with two hands".
==> Another cube dissection by Rinus Roelofs:
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Page Editor:
Carlo H. Séquin