CS 285: SOLID MODELING, Spring 2002

Assignment #4

Parametric Modeling with SLIDE

This assignment further introduces you to some of the power of SLIDE and of procedural modeling in general.

A) Parameterized Sweeps

The first part of this assignment you can do by just pushing sliders, but it is a good idea to also look at the sorce file to see what it takes to achieve the observed results.

Sample Solution

B) Construct a Parameterized Bell

Your task is to design a curved (metal) surface of finite thickness that has a good chance to sound good when struck and used as a bell. There should be from 1 to 3 parameters that affect the shape of the bell. Let yourself be inspired by this collection of pictures and references, but keep your shape simple!

You may compose your bell from primitives such as partial spheres and/or tori, you can use spline patches, or you can use subdivision surfaces. You may first design a thin (mathematical) surface in the desired shape and then thicken it with the procedures demonstrated in part A of this assignment, or else you may define its complete surface explicitly (allowing to vary its thichness). Make sure you end up with a viable B-rep for fabrication. Create a SLIDE file with all parameters set to their preferred values. Also, capture your design pictorially using the screen saver.

Please-mail picture and SLIDE-file before the deadline.

These two tasks should be done individually by everyboy in the course. I want to make sure that everybody gets comfortable with SLIDE, and also has a chance to show their own bell-designs.

The Deadline is Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2002, 6am.

What you should also do

Study the SLIDE documentation on the web. After reading some of the background information, familiarize yourself with the SLIDE Language Specification, in particular with the "Geometry" statements and with the first five ""Geometry Node" statements, "object" through "torus," as well as with the "polyline" and "sweep" commands.

You may also look at additional SLIDE example files in ../CODE .

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