On December 11, 2012,
everybody will make a formal presentation in front of the class
about their achievements in their course projects.
The conceptual setting for this presentation might be that of a
job interview, where you are given a certain amount of time to
describe "what you have done lately."
Formal Presentation
This is a _formal_ presentation; with foils, and possible
props, and all...
The form as well as the content of your presentation will be
judged (see below).
Rehearse your talk to make sure it fits into a 12 minute
time limit.
Your peers and I will evaluate your presentations according
to these criteria:
- The Presentation in terms of:
- -- visual quality,
- -- oral quality,
- -- organization;
- The Technical Merit in terms of:
- -- concreteness of results achieved
- -- technical hurdles overcome
- -- the "usefulness/coolness" of the final product.
Hints for a Good Final Project Presentation
- Make sure you capture and keep the attention
of the audience.
- -- Be proud of your results !
- -- Use graphics -- use color !
- -- Keep slides simple -- one thought per page.
- -- Stay within allotted time -- rehearse your talk.
- Make sure audience understands what
you have achieved.
- -- Review the problem that you were going to solve.
- -- Describe clearly what you have been able to do.
- -- Demonstrate that what you have done is worthwhile.
- Make your talk technically interesting.
- -- Describe one or two technical problems that you had
to overcome.
- -- Explain how you did it, and what you learned.
- -- Show why this is of some general interest.
Make sure, the following points are addressed
(Every main bullet could be one or more slides):
- What the project is all about:
- title, authors, general goal(s);
- original promises.
- perhaps a conceptual picture of the desired result (from
proposal presentation).
- Achievements:
- what has been achieved ?
- what unexpected problems have been encountered ?
- show how you solved a particularly interesting
- perhaps something that you could NOT achieve -- and the
lesson learned from it.
- Conclusions:
- what have you learned from this project ?
- what would you do differently next time ?
- how could this project be extended ?
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Page Editor: Carlo H.