CS 284: CAGD
Lecture #7 -- Mon 9/21, 2009.
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Rockwood: pp 76-83; pp 89-92 (basic labeling scheme for Blossoming)
Rockwood: pp 94-103 (basics of B-splines)
Sweeps along Piecewise Linearly Approximated Curves
Examples of mitered joints (by Koos Verhoeff): 1 2 3 4
Default: Keep cross-section of constant geometry and always perpendicular to tangent vector.
This can be achieved by constructing "ribs" in angle-divider plane at all segment junctions,
stretching them
by 1/cos(half-angle) in direction of normal vector.
Topic: Blossoms:
A geometrical view of iterated "multi-level" linear inter-/extra-polation.
Basic Notation and Machinery
Create N-"digit" labels for system with N iterative steps. ("digit" can be a fractional or real number).
Write down interpolation value used in one step as one "digit".
To capture a polynomial of degree D: N>=D.
Geometric interpretation leads to algorithms for subdivision, knot-insertion,
degree elevation, deCasteljeau, Aitken, conversion between Bezier and B-Splines, ...
General Properties of Blossoms
Diagonal agreement, -- if all labels the same ==> point lies on curve at that t value.
Symmetry, -- order of "digits" in label is irrelevant.
Multiaffinity property, -- if 2 labels differ in only one "digits", one can inter/extra-polate along that line.
Bezier Curves in Blossom Form
Control point labelling (p82).
Generalization (you may skip this)
Arbitrary blossom parametrization ==> EvalBlossomProgram (p88).
- "systolic" computation: synchronous pumping action (e.g. in heart chambers).
Illustration of the Cubic Blossom (p89). {80% down}
Find out how the point moves around in the (whole ?) plane.
Using the Blossoming Machinery
Topic: B-Splines
An approximating spline, controlled by the "deBoor points".
Relations between Bezier Curves and B-Splines
B-Spline in Blossom Form (p 94) {0% down}
Watch the de Boor control points fly...
Control Points of the Uniform B-Spline
de Boor Points Geometrically
Interpretation: Change to a new set of basis functions -- some linear combination
of old ones.
The deBoor Algorithm (= deCasteljau for B-splines)
Iterated Interpolation to find B-Spline Curve Points
Construction (p98)
Can "t" lie outside the range [2,3] for this example (p99) ?
Graphical Construction for such an extended point (e.g., t=3.5)
What is this curve that we are constructing ?
Finding additional de Boor points for this curve e.g., "456"
- Will using "456" lead to the same curve point for t=3.5 ?
Multi Segmented B-Splines
Choosing additional de Boor points more freely; add several extra segments:
- Joining B-Spline Curves (p 96) {5% down}
- Study influence of de Boor control points (p97)
Concept of limited support
The valid range for the curve parameter (e.g., 3 4 5
4 5 6 5 6 7 6
7 8 )
What do we gain from this restriction ? ( Cn-1 continuity)
What do we pay -- if anything ? ( only one new free point per segment)
(closed) B-Spline Curves (p 105)
Concentrate on one dimension of a B-Spline curve: e.g., Y(t)= piecewise m-degree
- Assemble that basis function from m+1 m-degree polynomial pieces, joined with Cm-1 continuity.
- How
to construct such basis functions: Repeated convolution
- m=1 : triangular hat functions
- m=2 : three parabolic pieces
- m=3 : four cubic pieces
The limited support of these basis functions
Comparison with Bezier Basis Functions
The Behavior of B-Splines
Reviewing the standard seven properties:
- e.g., degrees of continuity ... (Comparison Table)
Comparing B-splines of degrees 2,3, and 4:
- Study their behavior using the applets on pages 101,102.
The use of B-splines
- B-spline curves of degree 3 (p 97)
- What can you do with a given number of segments ?
- How many segments does it take to make a 3D knotted space curve ?
Non-uniform B-Splines
Changing the Knot Values
- can assume arbitrary, monotonically ordered t-values
- study their influence with applet on p105.
New Knots
Next Homework Assignment:
Next Reading Assignments:
Review again: Rockwood pp. 94-117: B-Splines
Study handout: B+B+B: Effect of Knot Multiplicities
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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin