CS 284: CAGD
Lecture #22 -- Th 11/9, 2006.
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1.) What is an r-sample from a surface ?
2.) What is Voronoi filtering ?
3.) Why is it more difficult to do this in 3D ? -- And what can be done about it ?
1.) What are the benefits of the Progressive Mesh representation ?
2.) How is such a representation constructed ?
3.) What are the key geometric operations at the mesh level ?
Discuss final Quiz problems
NM'00: Normal Meshes
AL'03: Anisotropic Polygonal Remeshing
Current Homework Assignment:
Determine the minimum energy for your genus-L surface (Phase 3)
Find a script to evolve your genus-L surface into a smooth shape
with minimum bending energy while maintaining the specified symmetries.
E-mail me your .fe-file with the successful script and a nice captured picture of the final shape.
Also: Let me know what the final total energy is of your smooth shape;
and state what crucial things you learned about how to use the Surface
Evolver to make your initial polyhedron converge to a smooth shape.
DUE: Tuesday, November 14, noon.
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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin