CS 284: CAGD 
Lecture #21 -- Tu 11/7, 2006.

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Surface Evolver: What works ? -- What causes difficulties ?

Paper Presentations

Aaron Hoover: 
DS'03:  "Discrete Shells"
Grinspun et al

Quiz Questions:
1.)  Describe in one sentence: How do Grinspun et.al model the resistance to deformations in thin-shell objects ?
2.)  Under their flexure model, what deformations are possible for icosahedral and dodecahedral shells with one face missing ?

Some calculated surface energies for sphere approximations using the above edge-based curvature model.

Sambit Datta: 
DO'06:  "Discrete Shape Operators" Grinspun et al

Which is the preferred operator ? -- Why ?

Who Got the Gold ? -- Result from the "Venture Capitalist Rally"

Discuss more Quiz problems that caused difficulties

PM'96:  Progressive Meshes
VB'98:  Voronoi-Based Reconstruction

Homework Assignment:  Determine the minimum energy for your genus-L surface (Phase 3)

Find a script to evolve your genus-L surface into a smooth shape with minimum bending energy while maintaining the specified symmetries.
E-mail me your  .fe-file with the successful script and a nice captured picture of the final shape.

DUE:  Tuesday, November 14, noon.

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin