Matrices are linear operators. Composing linear operators is still linear. Any matrix has an inverse.
The transformations used in CG can be represented efficiently by
Compound transformations are then be constructed by matrix multiplication.
Translation, can also be turned into a linear operator by introducing homogeneous coordinates.
Homogeneous coordinates look at the transformation in a space that is
one dimension higher (add "w") than the space of interest;
they use the subset of transformations that leave that new dimension unaffected (except for a shear operation),
but then use
only what is happening in the hyperplane w=1.
Other neat things, not mentioned last time: Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of any matrix: A = Q S R' where Q and R are orthonormal and S is a diagonal matrix.
or we can do a Polar Decomposition: A = U R S R' where again U and R are orthonormal and R' is the transpose of R.
==> Thus any complex matrix can be decomposed into a product of pure scale and rotation matrices!
The eigenvectors eof a matrix M are determined by the equation Me = se, where s is a simple scale factor;
They correspond to those vectors that do not change direction when transformation M is applied, (e.g. vectors along the coordinate axes when M is a non-uniform affine scaling).
Scene Hierarchy, Instantiations, Compound Transformations
Now we want to build complex scenes with more than just one polygon!
How should we "describe" a complex world model in the computer ?
-- for instance: a Boeing 747: ~ 4 000 000 identifyable parts?.
-- or a battle scene in StarWars?
Use hierarchically nested groups of objects (and of other groups) with relative transformations.
An object or group of objects can be instantiated multiple times -- in different places, with different orientations, and different scales. Benefits: Managing complexity,
abstraction, structure, re-use of
easy searching and editing, reducing the rendering work, ...
Conceptual scene structure. Corresponding scene graph and fully instantiated scene tree.
The scene is built from Groups and from Instances (of groups and/or objects).
The bottom-level of groups, consisting of pure static geometry are called Objects;
The top level group, i.e., the root of the scene graph, we typically call World.
Groups are composed of Instances; and each instance comes with a
transformation that specifies how it is positioned in the group's
coordinate system.
Instances also carry such information as color or LOD-values.
Groups are the place to store intermediate bounding boxes and perhaps a
flag that says whether the group is static or time-variable.
Groups may have many children, and they are all instances.
Instances have only a single child and this may be an object or another group (NO RECURSION!).
There is a strict alternation between groups and instances in the hierarchy.
SCD_09: a way to capture this information in a human-readable ascii format (and also easy to parse for future use).
Example Scene Description ( SCD_09 )
(Include fish1 "fish.obj"
) ## this calls the polygon in that file
(G school_A
(I inst1 fish1
(S 0.5 0.5 ) (T 5 3.4 )
(color 1 0.8
0.2 ) ) ## orange fish
(I inst2 fish1 (S 0.7
0.4 ) (T 7.2 6 ) ) ##
uncolored fish
(I inst3 fish1 (R
{t*2} ) (T 8 9 ) ) ## blank fish,
rotating 2 degrees per frame around it center
(G school_B
(I inst1 fish1 (S -0.5 0.5 ) (T 2
{0.4*sin(t*6*dgr)} ) ) ## mirrored fish, doing a complete vertical
wiggle every 60 frames.
(I inst2 fish1 (S {1 +
0.5*sin(t*3*dgr)} 0.6 ) (T 4 6 ) (color 0 1 0) ) ## green fish,
changing in length with a cycle of 120 frames.
(G myScene
(I i_1 school_A
(color 0 1 1) ) ## cyan version of
(I i_2 school_A (S -1
1) (color 1 0 1) ) ## magenta, mirrored
version of school_A
(I i_3 school_B (T
{t*0.01}{t*0.01} ) (lod 3)
) ##
school_B, slowly drifting diagonally off the view window, wire-frame
(Render myScene )
Identifiers within a group must be unique. They will serve to form unique names for all instances in the whole scene
by concatenating all instance names from top to bottom as
follows: "TopInst_ID.MiddleInst_ID. ... BottomInst_ID"
Transformations are applied from a WORLD perspective in the order listed:
thus (I inst_ID geom (Xform A) (Xform B) (Xform
C) )
should result in: [Xform C] * [Xform B] * [Xform A] * [geom]
i.e., subsequent transformation matrices are applied "on the outside"
= "away from the vector".
The (color ...) and (lod ...) attributes obey different hierarchical inheritance rules as follows: COLOR: During rendering, each leaf of the hierarchical scene tree will get the color that is
closest to the leaf; i.e. the lowest color in the hierarchy dominates.
For example, if the sea is blue, containing a red instance of a school
of fish, which contains a fish in that has not had its color set,
that fish should be colored red, while other fish that have been
individually colored, keep that color.
It may be prudent to start rendering with a default
color (say medium gray (.5 .5 .5) so that everything shows up somehow. LOD: Levels of detail (LOD) are used to control the rendering effort on wants to expend on a subtree in the scene hierarchy.
Normally that involves the fineness of geometrical detail and the level of subdivision of smooth surfaces.
In A#3 we use a simplified scheme just based on shading and rendering levels to demonstrate the principle:
LOD = 0 = none, render nothing at all.
LOD = 1 = bounding box, render just the bounding box around this subtree of the instance hierarchy,
LOD = 2 = outline, render the polygons as a colored "wire-frame" outline,
LOD = 3 = flat-shaded, render all polygons filled-in, flat-shaded, e.g., colored and possibly painted in (as far as OpenGL can do it);
LOD = 4 = fancy-shaded, render all polygons "fully", e.g., possibly textured, with fancy shading with highlights (ignore for A#3).
LOD = 5 = ?? -- there could be more levels.
During rendering, each node will get rendered
according to the lowest LOD value occurring in the hierarchy above the
node of interest.
For example, if a node has LOD = none, the whole
subtree can be ignored, and no nodes beneath it in the hierarchy are
rendered. B_BOXES: are also calculated recursively during rendering.
From the bottom leaf nodes, the bounding boxes for all objects are
its four corners should be subjected to the instance
transformations, and the extrema of all those transform points then
yield the bounding box for the parent group.
Each transformed bounding box can individually be
surrounded with a (virtual) bounding box that can be compared agains
the current view window for culling and clipping. DYNAMIC_FLAG: A flag may be set at the each group if there
is anything dynamic (time-varying) below it that may force a
re-evaluation of the bounding box.
Study: ( i.e., try to understand fully, so that you can answer
on an exam):
Shirley, 2nd Ed: Ch 6.1, 6.3; Ch 13.3
Programming Assignment 2:
Assignment #1 was worth 12 points +
a max of 2 extra credits. ==> From now on we will do the
accounting separately!
Assignment #2 is due (electronically submitted) before Thursday 2/12, 11:00pm.
Assignment #3 is due (electronically submitted) before Thursday 2/19, 11:00pm. <== THIS ASSIGNMENT CAN BE DONE IN PAIRS !
(A#4: basics of ray-tracing, will be done individually again)